Saturday, March 26, 2011

"AS THE BONG EMPTIES" Rant 3-26-11

OK Kiddies this one should make us all cock our heads like the RCA dog. (sigh..If you are too young google the RCA dog)

Time to pick on the Maryland legislature. Their latest stupid, crazy, drug induced proposal is the early relase of prisoners!

Yes boy's and girl's, it's that time of the day when the bong is almost empty and the air is full of a hazy smoke. The real world is just a fog filled memory and these lunes are one paycheck away from living under the highway overpasses!

But as usual, I digress. This proposal was actually made about a week ago, but I had to think about it before ranting, I needed to see if it was worthy, after all I was laughing :-)

The gist is this. Our state fortune tellers came up with an idea that by releasing prisoners early they could save $700 million dollars and close one prison! My question is, does that happen before or after these stellar members of society (after all, everyone in prison is innocent) rob, rape, and murder the "prey" they are released amongst?

How high do you have to be to believe this is a good idea?? Hey, all you hallucinating state legislators who are in favor of this, are they being released to your neighborhood??  (Want to bet on this answer?)

When are we going to stop putting dollars ahead of common sense and public safety? Do you want to solve these "Revenue" problems? Bring our jobs back to America! Stop buying cheap foreign crap! But again, I digress.

Bottom line Senator Numbnuts and Congressman Littlewewe, look at this again when the drug and alcohol induced stupor wears off...At least I hope that's what it is, because it scares the hell out of me to think anyone would propose this under normal circumstances!

I'm Done!

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