Thursday, September 29, 2011



The level of the absurd we endure on a daily basis continues to escalate, and our children are being affected.I think before allowing someone to be a teacher, they should have to take a common sense test. Let me explain.

A self-righteous teacher in California (maybe that explains it) disciplined a student for saying "GOD BLESS YOU" when a fellow student sneezed! His explanation was, that is was a class disruption and the sentiment was not relative! He even went as far as to deduct 25 points from the student's grade!

What the hell gives this adle-brained supposed educator the right to impose his personal beliefs on the children in his charge?? Can you imagine the confused and hurt feelings that this student had for conveying a good will sentiment to a fellow student!

Here is some advice to this RIDICULOUS excuse for a teacher. CONCENTRATE ON DOING YOUR JOB! Do not try to impose your beliefs, and in this case, undermine the teachings of the parents. We need teachers to open our children's minds not close them. We don't care about your opinions. If you can't teach objectively and impartially, then go clean up dog crap in the park!

It's closed minded whack jobs like you that don't understand how a child feels, that needs to be doing something else. Stop giving good teachers a bad name.

Don't you think that discipling this student for something positive they said borders on censorship?


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know..I know..It's been awhile. So much happening so little time :)

Well just as you start to relax you are reminded of the continued depths of "MORONIC" behavior that the "CHIMPS" can display!

These failures of a human gnome experiment have found a new way to amuse themselves while they are in the drunken stupor of "CHIMPDOM". Prepare yourselves for the latest wonderous tale of "URBAN CHIMPS" in the wild!

I awoke a few days ago to the sound of what in my sleepy state, I thought was gunfire, and I was intially alarmed! Had we been transported to the wild west, or worse to Baltimore city? As my head cleared and I began to investigate, keeping my head low of course, I found it was our resident "POOP THROWING CHIMPS", having what they thought was fun by setting off fireworks.

Now normally the fireworks don't bother me because they run out very quickly, but the "JACKASS" twist the "CHIMPS" put on it this time concerned me! Hold on, I am getting there. They were firing them at houses in the area, and anytime they got close to a house they would jump up and down and start laughing and hollering like they were in a shooting gallery! Oh yea, my house was not spared their inebriated aim.

Fortunately these "LIMITED BRAIN CELLED MAMMALS" that even chimps would be ashamed of, didn't do any harm (although there was fireworks debris in my yard). Someone must have called the police, because they ended their "ARTILLERY BARAGE" simulation abruptly!

Seriously, how brain dead stupid do you have to be to put your neighbors at risk of a fire? The debris in my yard was buries about 1 1/2 in in the ground!

These "PEOPLE" are truly wasted sperm.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"GPS" Rant for 10-14-11

Good Afternoon All,

What a wild month it has been, severe storms, hurricane's, earthquakes, more storms and rain. We are considering permanently sandbagging our garage and turning it into an indoor swimming pool. But enough of this. Let's move on to today's topic.

Can anyone of an elightened status explain to me who thought that taking a navigation system that was designed for aircraft and satellites, and installing them into ground vehicles was a good idea?

The chaos that has resulted from this obvious money making ploy is evident! You have all experienced the aftermath of the ill-thought of decision, whether you realize it or not.

Have you noticed the mental giant that crosses 4 lanes of traffic  to get off just as you come to an exit? That's the GPS effect! How about the nit-wit that unexpectedly (and without a signal) changes from the right lane to the left lane cutting you off so they can make a last minute left turn? That's the GPS effect! As a case in point, I have only been lost twice in the last few years and both times I was using one of these mechanical marvels. That's the GPS effect!

What the GPS system has done, is taken an already "lobotomized" society and increased it's dependency on a gadget! The normal driver no longer pays attention to where they are enroute. They solely rely on the "talking map" to tell them when to turn. Unfortunately, when you add the radio and cell phone to the equation, these "road zombies" cannot hear their talking automotive baby sitter, and are thus unaware of where to turn. This causes the "russian roulette" crossing traffic situation. The situation becomes more dangerous when the "lobotomized" segment does not update the unit's software!

Really people, don't you think it would just be easier to know where you are going ahead of time? It would help those of us that still have a few brain cells stay out of harms way, and hey, in these tough economic times, could save you a few hundred bucks :)

I'm Done!