Tuesday, July 21, 2015

OFFENDED ??? RANT 7-21-15


If you are reading this you are either Too Fat, Too Skinny, Too Tall, To Short, Too Pretty, Too Ugly, A Crazy Christian, A Damn Jew, A Suspicious Looking Muslim, or a Snake Charming Evangelist, possibly even a Bible Hating Atheist! Or maybe you are an Ultra Right Wing Crazy, or a Country Hating Liberal. You may be an Old Hippie, a Confederate Flag Raising Redneck, or even a Blood Sucking Carpetbagger. Hell you may be a God's Law Breaking Gay or EVEN WORSE, a (dare I say it) Transgender! Well if I haven't offended you yet it's only because I don't have time to list all the outrageous categories. And I won't even get into race.

In case you haven't gotten the theme of this, it's the ridiculousness of POLITICAL ASS KISSING! (You notice I don't call it "CORRECTNESS", because it isn't) I am so tired of everyday hearing about some other STUPID ITEM that offends someone. I mean REALLY, do you believe that taking down the CONFEDERATE FLAG will stop RACISM??? (Are those fairies flying around your pudding brain?) RACISM will only end when we teach our children from the day of birth that it's wrong.( Just my addle brained opinion)

Let me tell you the latest item that inspired this RANT! You are going to love this! (but if you agree with it, check to see if you can see through your skin.) A major retailer is offering a WOMEN'S T-SHIRT with a LOGO that just says "TROPHY", THAT'S IT!! That's the extent of it. These TRANSPARENT SKINNED, LOW SELF-ESTEEMED WHINERS believe it is sexist! At first I thought this was a joke, but when I realized it was seriously being presented by the MEDIA, I WAS OFFENDED! These NOSE IN OUR BUSINESS SOCIAL SCRUBS need to mind their own business. STOP PUSHING YOUR INSANE AGENDA'S on us. You either NEED TO STOP SUCKING YOUR THUMBS AND GROW UP, or crawl back into your UNDERGROUND BURROWS! This is why our kids are growing up as a BUNCH of SELF ENTITLED COMPLAINERS (This is a general statement and obviously doesn't apply to our fantastic off-spring)

When I researched this, I found that these shirts have been offered for BOTH SEXES by many retailers for years! Hell if my wife gave me a t-shirt that say's TROPHY HUSBAND I would wear it proudly.I believe that most of the people complaining are probably TROPHY FRUSTRATED and jealous. (Again, just my opinion, but as usual it's right. Just ask me. )

I could go one about this, but I believe the more we cave into this, the worse it becomes. The more we point out differences the more of an issue we make of them. IT'S TIME FOR EVERYONE TO STOP THE INSANITY! If something offends you, CHANGE THE CHANNEL, CLOSE THE DOOR, GET OFF FACEBOOK and OH YEA, SHUT THE HELL UP!

Oh, one more thing, YOUR HAIR COLOR REALLY OFFENDS ME! Just sayin....

(Was this a Rant or an Editorial? Hhmm)