Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"MOOD" Rant 5-25-11

What a last few days..I am begining to think my wife is right when she calls me borderline "bi-polar". Every little thing is driving me crazy! Although I think there is a little "black cloud" dynamic working here also.

I think it started last Sunday morning, when I stopped for coffee at the local "Dunkin" and waited 15 minutes in the drive through lane, (it may have been more) because they were waiting on eggs, and the first person in line ordered 5 sandwiches! Shouldn't there be some type of ordering guidelines in a drive through? Then when they gave me my coffee it was cold, causing me to have to park and go in. I really have no patience for waiting in line. I won't even elaborate on further events of the last few days, only to say I hope the "black cloud" dynamic ended last night when I was notified that a present I ordered two weeks ago, was no longer in stock! :-(

I guess the bottom line is, I am tired of catering to, and making allowances for, insentive mud-dwellers who think of no one but themselves. The unfortunate part is that once you stop making those allowances, you start to become the very thing you dislike..How's that for a conundrum! I stopped ranting every day because I could find something to rant about everyday (make sense?). At that point you wonder if there are really that many issues, or if the problem is your own intolerance..valid question I think.

I find myself being annoyed when people text while I am talking to them, use handheld phones while driving, and just generally treat others as though they were of secondary importance. Store clerks treat us as though they are doing us a favor when the wait on us, restaurants give us substandard food, and doctors rush us through appointments like cattle, after making us wait for hours! Add to that the employers that give us minimal pay raises (not all employers), cut our benefits and bemoan that fact that they can't compete, all the while banking 7 figure incomes.

We have become a rude, confrontational society, with little tolerance of others. Lewis Black calls us a "whack-a-mole" society, that when you whack one bottom feeder on the head, three more pop up to take their place. The question is; is it the cause or effect?

Wow, where did all this self-introspection philosophy come from?? It's creepy! Sometimes I like being a pain in the a%#, but lately, I seem to be arguing, just to be arguing. Oh Well. I think  I like the perspective Tim Wilson has in his video " But, I Could Be Wrong" It's a little out of date, but still applicable :) I am attaching it. Be warned the language is coarse!

Maybe I'll just take a couple of "happy pills" and it will all be fine in the morning, or will I even notice?

I'm Done.

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