Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Marketing Rant 2-10-11

So can anyone tell me at what point retailers sat us down in front of the spinning color wheel and hypnotized us?

What I mean is, when did we buy in to not only advertise for clothing retailers, but to pay for the privilege. These mindfreak purveyors of overpriced, sweatshop produced clothing, have convinced us that wearing pants, shirts, hoodies, and hats with their company name emblazoned on them is so necessary to our "cool",  that we should pay for the right. Are we insane, or are these brainwashing snake oil salespeople that much smarter than us?

Does anyone remember when you purchased a designer item, that it only had a small patch or logo on a pocket? (how about the girls with their Jordache!)Now our robotic programmed children screech at us if they don't have the latest "Aeropostle", "PacSun", "Hollister" or whatever the clothing flavor of the day is. Hell they even have "Red Bull" and "Monster" clothing lines! I won't mention "Land's End" or "Columbia" we all know they just aren"t cool enough. (just warm :-) Can I ask, what the hell are skinny jeans? Sorry, that's a whole other rant!

I am so tired of being a walking graffitti board, (except for the "Made in the USA" label on my jeans from "American Clothing Co") that I try to find items with as little "tagging" as possible. (good luck with that!)

At what point do we stop being walking zombies of advertising for the voodo princes of the garment industry ? At what point do we stop filling the pockets of these enablers of slave labor? And Oh Yea, enough with the freaking baggy pants, I don't want to see anyone else's drawers!

Hey, let's tell the kids to stop screeching at us, and really, do we have to wait for them while they shop at these places?

I'm Done

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