Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rant For 1-11-11

Well you can tell that snow is forecast. All the milk, tp, and bread in Baltimore County is gone. How bizzare, people in the north and midwest must laugh at us.

Item #1- I have been trying to understand the ridiculous appeal of "Silly Bandz". Everyone from little kids to adults are wearing these stupid things. Don't we have anything better to spend money on? For the cost of two small packets of these overpriced rubber band clones, you can go to Staples or Office Depot and buy a thousand colored rubber bands to serve the same purpose. But they are fun, my grandaugter says. Yes, for about 30 seconds until these cheap things break, then mom and dad have to buy more DUH! I put his in the same category as the pet rock. The inventors of both of these products prove the statement that there is a sucker born every minute, and are laughing all the way to the bank!

Item #2- What is with this weasel Julian Assange? Who appointed him keeper of the realm? This self rightous SOB thinks he has the right to put american people and our allies in danger in the interest of government transparency? I agree that our government needs to be more forthcoming with information, but that's not this foreign ass's decision to make, that right belongs to the american people. I wonder how secure his future would be if he "leaked" another country's secrets, let's say China, Iran or Russia...Hmmm. This dumb ass needs to be prosecuted for espionage after he is tried for the sex crimes in Sweden. Hey Assange, if your innocent why are you not heading back to Sweden to clear your name? As a side note, the little whiny soldier that is suspected of giving Assange the documents, and is complaining about his treatment in jail, needs to be tried for his traitorous acts. Who cares how he is treated in jail. This is what happens when you violate the oath to protect this country you worm.


  1. I don't like what Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks site have done to American security and other nation's security for that matter. Now the "worm" who leaked it to him ... Hmmm. I was drafted to serve in a war (Vietnam) that I despised being in but at no time would I ever have done something to put the people I served with at risk. This soldier, if he is found to have done this despicable act, needs to be convicted of being a traitor and treated as all traitors throughout history have been treated.

  2. Since I am also a Vietnam vet. Welcome home
