Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I know I've written about "Political Correctness" before, but we continue to set a new bar for ludicrous and ridiculous ideas and policies.

Today's rant will cover two items that have to do with school systems, and head-shaking ideas they propose. Keep in mind that I believe a strong educational system is necessary for our children to compete in a global economy, but something always slips through the cracks.

#1- As many know I am not necessarily a spirtual man, but I do respect another person's beliefs. We have many holiday's that are recognized in our school systems, Kwanza, Passover, Christmas etc; So imagine my surprise and amusement when I heard the following.

A school system in the State of Washington, has decided it is no longer politically correct to refer to "Easter Eggs" as Easter Eggs!!! In this school system they are now called "Spring Spheres". Yes all you dwellers of the land of the free and home of the loon, we no longer have "easter egg" hunts, we have "spring sphere" hunts! Does the prime example of woodpecker food who proposed this really think kids are going to buy into this? (and aren't eggs more oblong?)

Where did this idea come from? Was the proponent of this ridiculous proposal bullied by a rabbitt as a child, or was their mom scared by a chicken when they were in the womb? Maybe it was something more sinister, the possibility that someone locked them in a giant egg comes to mind. ("no more farfetched than spring spheres")

 Really, is this a joke? How big of a narcissistic power hungry grump do you have to be to ban the term "Easter Egg",  I'll bet that you are dominated at home. What is laughable as well as puzzling is that people actually consider this garbage!

It takes a real example of rotting (from the inside out) human flesh to attack easter eggs and an activity that give so many children pleasure.

 #2- A school in Chicago has banned homemade lunches for their students, stating that they know what constitutes a "nutritional" meal. The students must eat the school lunches or nothing at all!

Why you pompous examples of adult bullies! How dare you even pretend to know what's better for a child than their parent. Your job is to educate our children, not dictate what "you" self righteous pieces of floor gum think is best for our children. If a parent wishes to send their childs favorite lunch with them it's none of your concern! How freaking arrogant!

I have an idea, why don't you spend the time improving your teaching skills rather than trying to run your own little kingdom. Wouldn't that be more beneficial? If you have a concern about a child's health discuss it with their parents.

You deserve to give yourselves a "wedgie" over this one.

I am adding a little postscript to this because everyday I can find something to rant about, and it doesn't even take an effort. It seems that there is always someone attacking the very items that make up the positive fabric of our country. Eventhough I don't want religion shoved down my throat, I am concerned at the rate spiritual references are being removed from our secular institiutions, while on the other side of the coin our government is trying to legislate how we think and live! As I've said before, like it or not this country was built on judeo-christian values and the premise of religious and secular freedoms. People "who think they know better" need to stop force feeding us their version of what our lives should be! We will choose what is right for us, spirtually and secularly. With this said, we need to remember that references to God have been part of our society from the begining. Stop messing with the symnols of our society that reference God, stop messing with the pledge of allegiance and any other symbol of our sovereignty. I don't care if you want to see "In God We Trust" on our money (don't accept or spend it) or, if you don't want your child to say the pledge of allegiance (have them sit down). Each citizen has the responsibility to support our country and it's values for the freedom you enjoy. If you don't want to show support, you have two choices, be quiet and don't participate, or GET THE HELL OUT!

I'm Done!

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