Thursday, August 11, 2011

"PARTISAN POLITICAL BS" Rant for 8-10-11

I am obviously like Icharis flying to close to the sun where politics is concerned...I need to stay away, but I am drawn back like a moth to a flame!

So do we have donkey ears or what?  I am soooo tired of my "RIGHT WING" friends blaming things on the left..Tell me, can you name any company that has created jobs since the BUSH, I mean ROVE tax breaks?  I am currently helping to shut down my 6th, YES 6th manufacturing plant in 8 years! And don't get me started on the "TEA BAGGERS" They're like spoiled brats who even when theyget what they want, it's not good enough?

I am also sooo tired of my "LEFT WING" friends blaming things on the right. How in your right mind can you insult the "LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" and the rest of us in this country by trying to restrict the border states from securing their/our borders?? Not to mention trying to give in-state tuition rates to illegals in Maryland! if you want to win a battle get your head out of your ass and stop compromising. Even if the "RIGHTIES" are wrong they at least believe they're own BS and don't back down. It's become painfully obvious that you "mushroom" eating millionaires have no idea what being an american is. Let's look at a couple of points.

  1. The debt ceiling- Not only did their partisan bickering damn near cause us to default, but it screwed our credit rating! And the icing! They want to say S&P made the wrong call! ARE YOU PEOPLE INSANE?? Our country is broke and can't pay it's bills, and you egomaniacs are in the sand box kicking sand in each others faces! Your indecisiveness was a key in the S&P decision..Unbelievable!
  2. FAA funding-Then in a continuation of #1, they refuse to fund the FAA! Stating that they have to take a stand and stop subsidising smaller airports. All well and good jello-brains, but you left safety inspectors and other key personnel without jobs! Do you really want to fly without safety inspectors and mechanics? What a childish moronic stand to take. The first flight without safety inspectors should have been filled with congress.
  3. Lower taxes helps our corporations provide jobs..ULTIMATE BS! Lets just mention what lower taxes and regulation has produced. GREED! Let's review, WORLD COM, LEHMAN BROS, ADELPHIA, MORTGAGE BANKS,BERNIE MADOFF, and I could go on and on,  including,  and most recently, the whole AIRLINE INDUSTRY!! Why? Because while our clueless, brainless congressional reps were throwing boogies at each other, and refusing to approve FAA money, they also could not collect taxes from the airlines. What did the airlines do? They raised their fares in the amount of the taxes and pocketed the profits. As soon as the money was approved fares returned to normal. HOW ABOUT THAT GREED! I again I remind, I am helping shut down my 6th manufacturing plant in 8 years, and my job may be included in this one!
Look folks, although I am as disillusioned in our government as the next guy, the only people we can blame for this mess is US. WE GET WHAT WE VOTE FOR! We have become a nation of SHEEPLE to use my friend John's analysis. This clueless lot of millionaires on both sides of the aisle need to go!!!! They have lost touch with the average american, and only serve themselves. SEND A MESSAGE! CLEAR THEM OUT!


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