Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"TETHERED" Rant for 6-08-11

I have been assured this evening that cell phones have taken away our ability to show common courtesy, as well as limited our social skills to those of an "orangutan"

Here's a news flash you "genitallia holding" members of our species. I don't want to listen to your cell phone's "kazoo"version of Beethovan's 5th, or Proud Mary while I am in a business workshop! What are you "flea scratching" mammals thinking? TURN IT OFF!

I as well as 20 other people paid "CASH" to attend this workshop because some of us truly believe that improving our skill sets will continue to provide us with one of the sorely needed items in our lives, A JOB! Are the electronic impluses from your "communication" device so ingrained on the ingrams of your brain, that you now respond to it like "Pavlov's Dog", with no regard for your fellow citizens?

Can you no longer respond to a human being in person? Yes, o' hairy one, the person across from you is LIVE, not an avatar. Are you really that important to your friends at the bath house? In the future you may want to spend more time learning the body language of those around you. The looks you were receiving were not encouraging an encore. If you really need the intimate contact of the " Droid" that badly, might I suggest where you can have it implanted?

I'm Done

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