Monday, June 13, 2011

"CRIME WAVE" Rant for 6-13-11

Well, once again I find I am living in a bubble. Who knew we were in the middle of a crime wave!  Oh I don't mean the countless murders, muggings, and robberies that we read and hear about every day. I am talking about the rash of notorious "sugar substitute" thefts that have been plaguing our restaurants.

Yes "sugar substitute" thefts, who would've thought! I came upon this epidemic purely by accident..Of course restaurants would like to keep this quiet, they don't want to cause panic or have their customers feel unsafe.

A couple of weeks ago I was eating lunch and when I ordered coffee I discovered I had to ask for equal, as it was no longer was on the table. I didn't think anything of it until yesterday when my family and I went out to dinner. When I ordered coffee, once again I noticed there was no equal on the table. When I inquired about why there was no Equal, the server looked at me with a serious look and told me that management took it off the tables because people were taking it home!

Oh my!  Where did these notorious "sugar substitute" thieves come from?  Is there a "sugar substitute" cartel? Who knew there was a black market for Equal? Can you be arrested for smuggling Splenda across the Canadian border, or Sweet-N-Low from Mexico? Can the people addicted to this "sweet powder" be helped? Do they steal from family and friends to support their uncontrollable urges, and where does grandma, grandpa, Aunt Bertie and Uncle Bob hide their stash! Think of how embarassing it would be if they were caught! Oh, the shame.

Seriously, how desperate do you need to be to steal sugar and sugar substitute packets from a restaurant. But a more perplexing question is, how much has to be stolen to create a cost issue for a restaurant.

But here's a more disturbing question, how many of those "little packets" are in your car, or purse..hhhmm. Are you one one of them?

I'm Done

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