Saturday, March 30, 2013


I normally don't respond to comments, but my political comments have gotten some responses that I find amusing and perplexing. I am going to share a "snippet" of a response from something I posted on another site, but first I need to clear up some things so the morons of the world don't keep telling me I am changing positions.

First of all, you non-comprehending jackasses, because I don't agree with your views, or you with mine doesn't mean we can't have a civil conversation. I am not trying to change your feeble mind. I am just stating how I feel. Maybe you think I am changing positions because I take a common sense (ok, maybe not always) approach to the issues I am passionate about. So let me try to penetrate the granite and shale casing you call a skull!

  1. I AM AN INDEPENDENT: Yes I lean left, but I don't bend left and I definitely don't "bend over" left.
  2. WELFARE: Should not be a "career choice", should not be given to illegals, drug addicts or people who are able to work.
  3. TAXES: We should have a flat tax, across the board with no loopholes for anyone.
  4. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: The operative word is illegal! Not a citizen, no benefits. I also believe that large corporations exploit this issue to keep wages down.
  5. GUN CONTROL: I believe in the 2nd amendment, but believe responsible gun ownership, including background checks should be done. As a Viet-Nam Vet, and trained with assault rifles, they are designed to do one thing "KILL PEOPLE". They should be controlled. If you really believe the government is out to get you, then you have bigger issues. This should also be a state by state call, as the dynamics in the rural western states is different than in the urban areas. We also need stronger penalties for criminals, and better mental health evaluations.
  6. SAME SEX MARRIAGE: Truthfully, I have too many issues in my own life to judge someone else. If you love someone and want to spend your life with them then the government should stay out of it. I don't care if you marry a toaster. (I would however recommend unplugging it before consummating)
  7. VOTER RIGHTS: I don't have a problem with showing ID to vote, but I do have a problem with voter suppression. Some "right" controlled states are enacting "restrictive" laws, which I think are violations of civil rights.
  8. SUPER PACS: Corporations are people? What a ludicrous concept! Then unions should be to. There should be a limit on the amount of donations. We spend billions of dollars on campaigns, then complain about the deficit.

I know that some of these views will anger my "RIGHT friends, and some will anger my "LEFT" friends, but hopefully the operative word is "FRIENDS" and we can agree to disagree. I also know that there are many other issues that I could have mentioned, but I don't have all day to write something that will most likely be deleted by many.

I was going to include a "snippet" from another blog that I commented on, but like an "absent-minded knucklehead" I seem to have deleted it. Suffice it to say I made a comment about Arkansas recent passage of a voter's rights law in which I questioned some parts of. I also commented on the way the "flying monkey's of the extreme right" continue to want less government, but continues to shove their agenda and view of morality down our throats. In contrast and all fairness the "bloated walruses of the extreme left" seem to want to give away the farm. I AGREE WITH NEITHER! I also hope you noticed that I used the term "extreme". I have noticed, and met common sense thinkers on both the left and right who seem to want to do what's best for the country, and I applaud them, but I am off track. I won't try to repeat the comment that this "overall wearing woodchuck" responded to me with, but it appeared he didn't even properly read or try to understand what I was saying. His response was so off point that I thought I was being visited, by an alien child who had learned our language from the back of a cereal box. I responded (actually in a nice way, can you believe it :P) that I had not said what he was referring to and he should read my comments again. Naturally, I have yet to receive a response.

In conclusion, I must say I continue to make the same mistake over and over again like some INSANE, BABBLING, DROOLING, IDIOT, by getting into these conversations. I should know by experience...

YOU NEVER WIN AN ARGUMENT ABOUT POLITICS OR RELIGION. (So I guess I'll hide the guns and put the cross under my pillow)

I'M DONE!! (Aren't you glad)

1 comment:

  1. I think, for the most part, you're right on Mike! Have you given any thought to running for President yourself? It would be refreshing to have someone with common sense in the White House for a change!

    Friends always - regardless of your politics or your religion! LOL
