Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well people are you surprised with the "WALL STREET" protests??? You shouldn't be, it been a long time coming!

C'mon you don't really buy into the "TRICKLE ON", oopps, I mean "TRICKLE DOWN" theory of economics that "Saint Reagan" started do you?? If you do, then there really is an excess of swampland in Florida for sale. Really, big companies being called "JOB CREATORS" is like saying Bernie Madoff  was a humanitarian.. 

I have asked this question before, name a big company that has created significant jobs in the last decade? Fortune 500 profits are larger than ever, but nothing has "TRICKLED DOWN" to employees but lay-off's!

Let's give a couple of examples of the never ending greed. Recently in an effort to get around the new consumer protection laws that curtailed the ridiculous "FEE" profits that they generated, Bank of America  announced they would charge a $5.00 fee if you used your debit card for credit purchases!! Yes it's true..

Hey you want to hear something even more incredulous? After the announcement was made on the Today Show, a commercial came on enticing consumers to use their debit cards for purchases! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!

These conscienceless blood-sucking leeches in suits could care less about consumers. WAKE UP and stop acting like it's all going to be fine! It's not!

Let's give another example. Wal-Mart recently lost a class action suit because they were over charging customers for sausage. It was only $.02 per package, but still. Laugh if you want, but how many customers visit Wal-Mart daily? You do the math!! Don't worry about these cattle herders, they'll make it up by selling you more cheap worthless crap that is maunfactured overseas by child labor.

Here is a company that almost single-handedly has destroyed the small business structure in this country as well as contributing to the major loss of jobs. By brow-beating the larger suppliers, they have forced them to move manufacturing off-shore to compete. All this has done is force cheaper labor, and poor quality goods on to the american market, all the while eliminating jobs!

Let me ask this. When there is no longer a viable job future for our children, and our economy is so bad that were are no better than a 3rd world country, who will they sell goods to then?  Another question. How can multi-millionaires make fair decisions that affect the lives of mainstream america? (I believe we can solve this with term limits.)

REALITY CHECK...NO JOBS MEANS NO MONEY TO BUY GOODS! It is time to hold these "PIGS IN A SUIT" accountable!



  1. Mike, this is better than morning coffee (for a couple of reasons). Now I'm pumped to face the world. But Mike, why would you insult pigs that way? Oh, wait! I guess that no matter what term you use to describe them, these human financial black holes give it a bad name through association.

  2. Steve, Glad I could get you started this morning
