Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scams Versus Insensitivity Rant 2-17-11

I've decided to do a double barrel rant today, you can decide which is more disheartening.

Item #1- SCAMS, How many times do low-life scammers need to attempt to use the same scam before they realize you're on to it? The only thing that is scarier, is to think some of us may have the memory of a goldfish, and be suckered by one of these bottom feeding scavengers.

Case in point; Within the last year I've received email from two friends that were stranded in London, (this may have happened to you.) and needed money wired to get home. The ironic part is that I had just spoken to these friends in the preceeding 24 hours. (was it something I said?) Talk about repetition!

Case #2; About 3 months ago I got an email from a lawyer that a distant relative in Europe had died and I was one of the heirs..Can you spell delete? Here's the kicker! I received a text from one of my son's, telling me he received an email from a lawyer informing him of my death, and that I had left him 14 million dollars..How sad, if I knew I was dead I would have stayed in bed. As for the 14 million dollars, dream on, I would have definitely spent it leaving my kids with any left over expenses. :-)

Case #3- What about the seemingly pathetic "Street Corner Beggars" How do you know which ones are legit, and which of these conscienceless actors, has a better home, and drives a better car than you! Yet we continue to throw money at these thieves because they make us feel guilty!

I really am tired of these parasites of society attempting to stck their hands in my pocket, sort of like the government...Ok on to the next item.

Item #2- INSENSITIVITY, I don't know about you, but I don't really like to kick someone when their down or disgraced. It just doesn't seem right. So it seems even more sleazy when a low life media outlet does it for ratings.

Case in point; Ruth Madoff the 67 year old wife of pariah Bernie Madoff. Whether or not you believe she knew of her husbands actions are immaterial. (my research shows that most women in that income bracket are society matrons, and pay no attention to their husband's business) Tonight on "Inside Edition" these "expose" wannabe fluff reporters, showed the insensitivity of a stripper at a bible study class, when they had a hidden camera in the grocery store filming Ruth buying vegetables. They even went so far as to point out how wrong it was that she munched on a green bean while shopping! Remember, this woman not only found she had a scum-bag thief for a husband, she also lost everthing dear to her, and to finish it off, one of her son's committed suicide because of the shame! Isn't that enough? Get a life you acting school dropouts! If it wasn't for your cosmetic surgery, capped teeth and two inches of make-up, you wouldn't even have a job! Don't tell me you hypocritcal advertisments for liposuction have never mucned on anything while you were shopping. Unreal! Just when I felt so sleazed and slicked that I needed a shower, they began their next "news" item. See below!

Case #2- Amanda Knox, as many of you are aware, is an attractive college student who was convicted of the murder of her british roomate in Italy. (on dubious evidence I might add) Now once again, it doesn't matter if you believe in her guilt or innocence, but the ghouls at the "Lifetime" network have decided it was great material for a movie. I believe there is only on catch, the girl is still fighting for her freedom and has just been granted an appeal! Hey teflon brains, does nothing stick to your ratings craving neurons? Did it even occur to you that your twisted interpretation of this event could negatively impact this girls fight for freedom? Probably not. Why would Hayden Panattiere take on this role? Does she have no sensitivity to this girls plight?? Oh, I'm sorry I forgot about the artistic motivation..MONEY!

The cases I've illustrated of scams and insensitivty, have only increased my disdain, mistrust, and disgust of the people and media outlets that prey on us. When you add this to the theft and deception perpetrated by our financial and government institutions, we should be very concerned and afraid.


I'm Done!


  1. lol Bill's son Nick got a message on facebook that you had died and left 4 million... where's our cut??? lol

  2. You can't make this stuff up:)
