Ok, At what point did I wake up in a texting nightmare! Did I not get the memo that the english language was being reduced to acronyms to accomodate those that failed english 101?
Now don't get me wrong, if you read my rants you know I make spelling mistakes, (poor proof reading) and my punctuation is like nails on a chalkboard. (especially to my wife) But really, WIH, OMG, WTH is going on, have we lost all control of our language? I spend a good portion of my reading time trying to figure out WTH people are trying to say!
I am continually deluged with CEO, CFO,COO, and recently LOTO, (bet you don't know that last one :) and many others, and when you combine the acronyms with the sophmoric license plates it makes me LMM.
I am soooo tired of seeing LOL, LMAO, ROTGLMAO, and KMA. The daily use of these kindergarten assaults on our speech is bad enough, but it's usage in the business community, is just as bad, with acronyms like BI, BMP, CMP, KPI, OLAP and OLTP, making it more difficult to identify what is acceptable in a business communication. What MBA (moronic business administrator) came up with this cutsey idea, or has our time become so precious that we can't even have a full sentence conversation?
Maybe I'm just GO, but I don't want to have go through everyday life using military code breaking skills to decipher conversations! Do you think any of our kids know how to write an essay without acronyms, or better yet do you think thay can still spell the words?
Help, EIE, I think MMIG
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