Sorry, I didn't do a rant yesterday because I actually had to do work this week! (doesn't that suck?) Anyway, I feel asleep.
So let's start today with a look at the green picture :-p
Not only do we have to worry about losing jobs, but it appears that the border belly-crawlers do to! The main source of employment for our clandestine visitors has found a new cheaper source of labor! Yes, I am talking about the booming landscape industry! This pillar of the american economy is now on the threshold of sweeping changes which could ripple through, and cause disruptions to the very fibre of our economy!
Who is secretly stealing the jobs that americans seemingly don't want to do, and that the illegal pest invaders from the south see as their dream?? After our economy has been so devastated, what apocolyptic force could deliver the death knell???... GOATS! Why are you laughing, this is serious stuff! Yes, I said goats!
Apparently there is a landscaper who is using goats and will not be content until the entire industry is using this cheap source of labor. Goat crap is even supposed to be a good fertilizer. I guess you could have your lawn mowed and fertilized at the same time:-) Look out Chem-Lawn and Scotts, they're coming after you. The smaller companies won't even have a chance. The illegals should be very afraid. One goat landscaper even has a government contract to do a nuclear sub base!
Are you kidding me! In theory this may be a good idea but once the tequila wears off, it has to be a dubious proposition at best. The cost of feeding and trasporting to a job site would have to be prohibitive, but I guess if one died you could just eat it, and hey, you could have goat's milk and cheese.
Again, I can't stop laughing :-) I have a friend that raises goats in another state, and I think I'll forward this to him. Maybe it will give him another source of income hhmm. He'll either get a good laugh or won't talk to me again. He tells me raising goats is expensive, but hell, true love ain't cheap! LOL
You have to watch the video from "The Colbert Report" The link is attached below.
I'm Done
I think the cows are the ones upset, they produce too much greenhouse gas emissions and have been cut out of the market. They want to be part of the action too :)