One of the most frustrating things I find is the "Rat Maze" effect created by retail stores.
What do I mean by "Rat Maze"? How many times have you walked in to a store that you have been to a thousand times, walked right to where you know something is, only to find it's no longer there?
What evil marketing denizen of the dark, came up with this diabolical master plan? The srtategy is obviously to get you to to wander through store so you will buy more impluse items. How about this brainiacs, I shop at the same store locations because I know the planogram! If I am in a hurry I come in, buy what I need and get out! I don't want to go to my favorite office supply store to buy pens for my employee's, only to find that instead of being in front of the store, they are now in the back in the opposite corner. The same thing applies to my favorite grocery store. If I come in to buy something quick for dinner, I don't want it to turn into a 2hr shopping trip!
Stop trying to mess with with our heads and increase our time in your store. It doesn't do anything but make us shop somewhere else. We don't need to be manipulated and have our intelligence insulted purely for you profit.
Do I need to tell you what you can do with your ivy league buisness degree? I resent being treated like "sheeple"
I'm Done
In many of the "outdoor" suburban shopping malls even the mall streets and parking are meant to steer one past the maximum number of stores before you can park your car. One really can feel like a rat in a maze just getting to the store that just rearranged where they put everything because of some merchandising genius. And so it goes . . .