Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sad Rant 2-20-11

Enough is Enough! I have really had with the "tribal" mentality that some "immigrants" are bringing to this country.

let me explain. In Glendale, Ariz an Iraqi man is on trial for the "honor killing" of his 20 year old daughter and the attempted murder of a former family friend. His reason? His daughter moved from the family home and in with her boyfriend. In this maniac's eyes(and many like him) this disgraced his family. He was so enraged that he ran over this beautiful young woman and her friend with his Jeep!

This selfish SOB with the brain of a sun-dried raisin and the beliefs of a 1st century nomad, supposedly felt so shamed he had to crush the 2 women with a 4,000lb vehicle. His defense attorney say he just lost it, that he didn't intend to kill! If so why did he call his family ( who advised him to run, he was arrested in London) rather than the police while his daughter lay dying on the ground!

He stated when interviewed that Iraq is a "tribal society, and cannot change". Well, here's some advice to all you sand-worms, STAY OUT OF THE US! We are not a tribal society! We don't believe in murdering our children to preserve the beliefs of the Mummy's. I find it ridiculous that you refugees from the worlds biggest sandbox say you are coming here for a better life, and then bring this archaic crap with you!

We are tired of pressing #1 for english, trying to understand your gibberish when placing an order with you, and accomodating your dress( anyone with their face covered in this country is considered a robber) and prayer codes in our workplace. Our businesses should not have to accomodate you. If you can't work by the employers rules TOO BAD! Oh yea, and we're not giving you your wife's paycheck, IT'S HERS! Stop trying to force your culture on us. This country was built on Judeo-Christian principals and we like it that way!

We will tolerate your beliefs, but we won't bow down to them! If you don't like it GET OUT!

This maniac goat-herder in Glendale not only needs the death penalty, he should not be put to death humanely. He should be staked out in the desert for the buzzards to feed off of. After all, isn't that what an archaic "tribal society" would do?

Here's a link to the story.

I'm Done!


  1. Mike, I'm with you as far as immigrants melding into American society. And, yes, we do have religious freedom in this country. That means that you can worship your way and I can worship mine and WE WILL RESPECT EACH OTHER'S BELIEFS.

    Where you lost me was with the name calling. Sand-worms? Goat herder? That's not only name calling, it borders on bigotry and racism. We can get angry with the idiotic attitudes and actions of some without damning an entire group of people.

  2. Steve, As always my friend I appreciate your point of view. In this instance I will clarify. My comments (and name calling were not meant for an entire group of people, only those that continue to display the narrow mindedness that results in the actions like the ones in this story. I have the same feelings towards our own people who kill because they felt "disrespected". My comments were by no means meant to show bigotry towards any whole group of peoples. Thanks for continuing to post those comments that make me examine my own views and the motivation for them. Continuing to see young people killed for no valid reason just frustrates me.

  3. What about Gopher Herders? :)
