Where to begin...
Today's rant is once again inspired by a conversation with a colleague. We were discussing jobs and how little manufacturing we do in this country.(You may remember my rant of 1-27 scratching the surface of this issue)
We began discussing the flood of inferior foreign imports that plague our country, when my colleague suggested I check my local supermarket to see just how pervasive these imports have become.
What I found was unbelievable! (Again, I must be slow!) Are the brains of all americans in a cryogenic state? Why would we need to #$@@$# import food??? Need proof? Start looking at labels in the grocery store, it's like having cold water thrown in your face.
Have we become such a "Jabba the Hud" society that we can no longer feed ourselves? Is it truly so much cheaper to import food than to grow it ourselves? I find that nauseating! What mind-control genius sold us this bill of goods! Oh that's right, we bought in to the utopion program called NAFTA! The program that was supposed to open up foreign markets to american products and increase our prosperity. What a joke! The only people that prospered were those who had stock in companies that had moved their manufacturing overseas. Oh Yea, and the nation's most organized flea market of foreign goods, WALMART!
If we don't get off our video-gaming butts and start making something we are going to be doing laundry for China and India. Think long and hard what you want for your children.
I have thought of another acronym for NAFTA..but unfortunately I can't spell it out without offending people.
I'm done
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