Thursday, February 24, 2011

Plight Of The Christmas Tree- Rant For 2-24-11

After the last few serious rants regarding news and politics, (UGH) my head hurts. So, I am returning to the mindless moronic rants that I love so well :-)

I have been observing a social (un-scientific of course) experiment I like to call the "Plight of the Christmas Tree". You might well ask, Christmas tree? It's February! I have been observing the trials and tribulations of this tree since it left my neighbors trash just after New Years Day and began it's trek through the neighborhood.

By now you must be completely fascinated by the fate of this tree, or wondering at what point I started eating the mushrooms ;-) You could at least hold judgement until the end!

You all may remember one of my first rants was in reference to other peoples recycling ending up in my yard, due to the short sightedness of many in our development to recognize that plastic bottles do not stay in place in a 30MPH wind. Apparently, this particular neighbor thought his discarded Christmas tree would fare better. NOT! Sorry, on with the saga.

Just after New Year's, as many neighborhoods have, it came time for the day to put out the discarded Christmas Trees for collection. Me, being a lazy man, and trying to justify my green stance by not "slaughtering" a live tree, (see how noble I am) did not have a tree to discard, as we have an artificial tree.

So imagine my curiousity when returning from work in the evening I saw a tree on my next door neighbors lawn. I was curious because this house is for sale and no one lives there. I did however recognize the tree as being the one that was discarded by the neighbor across the street.. This is when the experiment began.

I felt surely that this neighbor would see that the tree he so carefully dressed for Christmas, had escaped it's fate, and would retrieve it! Oh contrare, this was not to be. From that point forward I have watched this tree on it's journey from house to house, hoping someone one would end it's lonely existence, but this has not happened. All the while this tree has been visible to, and ignored by, the very house where it's journey began. 

My experiment is now almost to the end, for you see this tree is now nestled directly in front of the gate  beside my house, effectively making it MY PROBLEM! Since the cold-hearted discourteous slob has a plain view of "his tree" you would think he would take care of it, but we all know that will not happen. His view is that once it left his property it was no longer his responsibility.

 I am considering extending the experiment by replacing it on his lawn from whence it's journey began. (Interesting thought, huh?) It would probably end with him putting it back on my lawn, because he has long ago disavowed any knowledge of it's actions!  It's probably better I just put the poor thing out of it's misery.

Anybody want a tree? It needs a good home!

I'm Done!

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