Thursday, October 6, 2011


After carefully considering the outsourcing dilemma our country continues to grapple with, I must admit there is at least one "COST SUCKING" industry we could outsource..."OUR COUNTRY CLUB PRISON SYSTEM"!

I've come to this realization after listening to the details of yet another "CONVICTED MINDLESS BUFFOON", filing a lawsuit! (Hmmm..maybe not mindless, what else does he have to do!) This "DEATH ROW COCKAROACH" , who claims to be a muslim, is suing because his meals are not prepared according to muslim law! BOO-HOO! Do I really need to use the language? Did you give your victim a choice?

This is just another in a long list of ridiculous lawsuits filed by the "HUMAN SEWAGE" in our prison system. From the one that sued because he didn't get chocolate chip cookies, to the one that sued because he was too fat to execute. YOU REALLY CAN'T MAKE THIS UP!!! It's amazing what these "COWARDS" will do to save their "PARASITIC LIVES"

I think we should consider outsourcing bids from Asia, Indonesia, and of course North Africa and the Middle East. Since this latest example of "WASTED SPERM" claims to be muslim, let's send him there, where an "EYE FOR AN EYE" is actually a penalty,  for his punishment!

Seriously, let's consider the costs of running our HOTELS, oopps sorry, our PRISONS. Lets start with the basics;
  1. Cable TV
  2. Weight Room (Yes, a faster, stronger criminal is a great idea!)
  3. Special Meals
  4. Free Medical Care
  5. Free Education
  6. Libraries (Now we have a faster, stronger criminal that can file lawsuits!)
  7. The ability to sue
  8. Cell Phones (Makes sense, you still have to run your empire)
  9. Free room and board.
  10. And..we pay them when they work! What a deal.
There are many more points I could add. but I guess you get the idea. My suggestion is again, outsourcing.

Imagine a being a criminal convicted of murder, living in a cell with a hundred other murderers, sleeping wherever you could find a spot. The only meals you get are what they decide to give you, and if you don't eat it you starve. The only clothes you have are the ones on your back, and don't even think about cable TV.

Exercise? Only if you run faster than the bigger inmate chasing you. Lawsuits? Only the ones brought by your family when you disappear. Appeals, that's you begging for your life before they hack you, hang you, shoot you, or whatever other diabolical way they can think of to execute you. Most likely the same way you murdered your victim.

Think of all the money we would save! In addition to the ones I mentioned, you no longer have the costs of endless appeals, and the attorney fees associated with them (sorry attorney's we don't need all of you anyway). The room and board savings alone would put most states back in the black!

Our only cost would be the cost of shipping, and I suggest the cattle shipping method..Maybe we could get a FEDEX rate for that!

Really, Why do these examples of a "FAILED CIA EXPERIMENT" have more than just the basic human rights, of a dry place to sleep and basic nutrition? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Judges need to have a "STUPID STAMP" so that when one of these lawsuits crosses their desk, they can stamp it "STUPID" and move on. They should also charge the filing attorney for the court costs of the "STUPID SUIT"!  

You know..that would probably work for many lawsuits in our society..hhhmmm. Hey look, they're waiting for you!

                                                              I'M DONE!

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