Monday, October 17, 2011


 Hey, maybe I am becoming hyper-sensitive, but WHAT THE HELL is with all the "PERSONAL HYGIENE" ads on TV!

Does anybody beside me remember when these ultra personal issues were dealt with on late night commercials?

Really, do we want to hear about some adult wearing a "FREAKIN DIAPER" at dinner time or in a restaurant? it makes you look around and wonder, " MAYBE IT'S HER! Not to mention the meal is now ruined. And, how about the new "KY" jelly ads, They use "EXPLOSIVE" references to simulate the results of this product, and now it's in his and her's special flavors !! Are you kidding? I really don't want to know what anybody is "SPREADING ON THEMSELVES" it could be peanut butter for all I care! How would you like to do that laundry?

Another one is the CATHETER ads. Isn't it nice to know how compact they have become? Shouldn't they be advertised with the DAMN DIAPERS?? Let's add the items to handle, dare I say it? GAS! Yes friends I want to hear about BEANO BEFORE BREAKFAST!!!! Have I gotten to any of you yet :)

Let's move on to the "CONSTIPATION" PRODUCTS! After that meal of  three cheese taco's and other assorted "BINDERY FOODS" how do you get regular again! OMG whatever will you do! C'mon you know this answer "METAMUCIL" see that wasn't so hard.

Continuing on, let's discuss "TROJANS"! Yes folks those little jackets that were originally meant for "BIRTH CONTROL" have now become a "FASHION ACCESSORY". Yes believe it, with their "RIBS, MULTI- COLORS" and other advancements they have become the thing to carry. Hey, they even have ones that"GLOW IN THE DARK!..Hell the last time I glowed in the dark I...sorry, I lost myself. Shouldn't this be up with the "KY" jelly?

But my favorite is still the "FEMININE HYGIENE" products. Hell, these things spawn "SUPER WOMAN"! With their wings, compactness, absorbition capacity, and other "FEATURES" I understand why companies want to tout their products!

Hey, I understand the need for the products, but let's face it, we know when and where we need them! I don't want to be inundated with products that remind me of the noises, secretions, and failings of the human body every minute of the day! I still beileve there are appropriate times for these ads

Let's be honest, when I pass a woman on the street, I don't want to be wondering if what she's wearing is a DIAPER OR PAD...That's OVER SATURATION! hhhhmmmm

The question is, the next time you pass someone on the street will you be wondering if...or will it be YOU! :)

                                                                         I'M DONE!(Aren't you glad?)

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