Sunday, May 1, 2011

"GRASS" Rant 5-1-11

Ok..So what's the big deal about grass?? Allright let me clarify so your minds don't wander. I mean the lawn grass!

Somewhere in our young lives we were taught to believe grass was good, that many acres would calm us, and that running through it was a mystical experience..BULL!

This green crap just keeps growing, it's worse than getting a haircut! You have to water it, weed it, fertilize it, and what ever else it takes to nurture it. FOR WHAT? Say it with me..Just so you can CUT IT!

Ok, I am probabaly different than most of you, I grew up in South Philly, where if you wanted grass you painted the sidewalk green. Hell, we had neighbors that when they started getting weeds in their miniscule yard, they panicked and covered the whole thing in concrete.

People ask, but where did you play football and other sports? Answer, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! We played tackle football in the street, the whole time dodging cars and using them as blockers. Any body can play football on (wimpy) grass. A kid's character really gets built when he gashes a knee on a car bumper, and then gets gravel and tar in it from a street tackle! Walk it off!

Hey, we spent so little time around grass, that the first time we took my daughter to the park and attempted to put her down in the grass, she screamed! She was terrified of the green protruding stuff, and hell, it harbored bugs! I think she was almost 3 before she would walk in it barefoot.

Maybe this is an issue for me because I view mowing like doing dishes, laundry, and some other tasks that suck down enormous amounts of time, only to have to be done again next week.

Or maybe it's just that I have no place to draw a deadbox. (google that one!)

I'm Done!

visit I know shameless commercialism :)

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