Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"DUMB CRIMINAL" Rant 4-26-11

In another prime example of how truth is stranger than fiction. Another shining example of how "dumb" some criminals can be has surfaced!

I don't know if this is a rant or a head shaker, so I'll let you decide.

In 2004 a man was shot to death in Southern California. There's an enlightening piece of information huh? Who would've thought! The killer was just recently sentenced to 65 years to life. (He should fry)

The amusing thing is how he was caught. A police officer was looking through mug shots for suspects of an unrelated crime when he saw a picture of a crime scene he recognized..Where did he see the picture you may ask! Tattooed on the chest of a gangbanger!

Yes, this shining example of the citizenry was sooo dumb he tatooed a picture of the whole crime scene and the events in detail from his neck to his chest! I would need to ask at what point would you think this was a good idea? If you have a criminal history, the odds are you are going to have your picture taken along with any identifiable tattos at some point.

What more credible witness would you need than this! He obviously described the scene and events to the tattoo artist. What a cantelope brain!

We hear so much about smart criminals but I don't think that's true. I think these models for a blow up doll are more lucky than smart.  As Bugs Bunny said, "What a maroon"

I'm Done! :)

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