Monday, March 28, 2011

"NOT SURPRISING" Rant 3-28-11

I've been getting on the Government a bit, let's switch to Government workers for one.

I've been a vocal supporter of union bargaining rights, because I feel that state government is trying to strong arm workers. But I have to say it is difficult to support these workers when you have incidents like the following.

Yesterday 13 workers in the city of Baltimore were arrested on gambling charges after, get this, the police raided their workplace! These walking pieces of wood were also drinking champagne, ALL ON CITY TIME!

Apparently this has been an ongoing custom. Wouldn't you think when cities and states are slashing budgets, and attacking workers rights that these sterotypes of government workers would have the sense to eliminate this reason to fire them? Oh yeah, they were suspended without pay AFTER THEY WERE ARRESTED!

While our school systems are struggling to keep their funding these seemingly "untouchable" termites were being paid to gamble and drink champagne. The galling thing is that some union rep will now most likely come to their aid and try to argue that firing them would be "illegal".

Well, you poster children for how not to act as municipal worker, have embarrased union workers everywhere, and you deserve to be fired.

One good thing you've done is to give the city it's next round cuts..Thank you morons.

I'm Done!


  1. Did you see the story several months ago about the auto workers who were videotaped repeatedly taking off for lunch to meet nearby and hoist more than a few beers. When their lunch break was over, they went back to work to build more cars .. SCARY!!!

  2. Linda,
    I don't think any state or business has a monopoly on this money wasting behavior
