Late posting (or early depending on your point of view) due to inconsistent internet connection.
The greedy hogs just keep getting greedier and fatter!
JP Morgan Chase Bank is now exploring, (as I am sure many others are) limiting the amount of money you can take per transaction using your debit card. The number discussed is $100.00
At first glance you would think, how nice, they are trying to protect us from fraud and limit our liability. Finally a bank that is looking out for us :-)
But being a cynical skeptic is in my nature, ( I am just a glass half empty kinda guy. :( ) so I started looking for the "too good to be true" caveat, and I found it!
These hogs in benevolent disguise are only trying took out for their greedy selves. By limiting the amount per transaction, these pigpen occupiers plan on charging for each transaction! By lowering the amount per transaction it forces you to use the ATM more, thus more FEES! How slick!
They are just trying to get around the new consumer protection laws passed in regards to credit cards. Like any good "shell game artist" they have figured out another fee to "squeeze" our pockets.
The unbrideled greed of these people knows no bounds, and discriminates against no one. We are all equal opportunity "lollipops" We just continue to have money sucked out of our pockets to "feed the hogs"
I'm Done!
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