Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"BIZZARE" Rant 3-30-11

Here's one for you parents out there..This story is either going to horrify or amuse you. If you are one of the latter please seek therapy!

A mother and father (I won't say from where) apparently had had enough. These people with an MPI (moron per inch) quotient of 100, decided that they would just "drywall" their three children into a bedroom!! The youngest being 4mos and the oldest 4yrs..

Are these mindless weeds posing as humans living out a 3 Stooges skit! (Oh please, don't tell me you don't know who the 3 Stooges are!)

How evil do your spawn have to be for you to decide to wall them up similar to an Edgar Allen Poe story?? I know in this era of children being special, entitled, disrespectful and lazy, that wanting to "wall" them up may be tempting, but there must be a "voice" somewhere in these walking vegetables brains that said, "this is not a good idea"! (I use the term "brains" loosely)

In an already difficult time for parents, teachers and others entrusted with our children's care, where if you look a child sideways they are screaming "abuse", these poster children for neutering have pushed the parental cause for discipline back to the stone age. If these "child-producers" (I refuse to use the term parents again!) are not a crawling example for "sterilization", I don't know who is!

Fortunately this story has a happy ending. At least to this incident. One of the children escaped and got brave :-)

Well I've got to close...Hmmm.. did I unlock my son's chains this morning? I hope so.

Im Done!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"PARANOIA" Rant 3-29-11

Last week I was talking to a friend while he was working at his laptop when I noticed a thin strip of tape in the center of his computer display! (he's going to love me telling this story)

When I questioned him about it he looked a little sheepish, and then it hit me about the same time he told me. It was covering the internal webcam! This friend is very intelligent and I thought it was his idea of a joke, but I'm not so sure...hhhmmmm.

I remember hearing a story about hackers who had taken over computer webcams and turned them into external surveillance systems. This gave these perverts with artificial genitals the opportunity to watch all comings and goings as well as all activity.(isn't that a comforting thought, how do you walk around your house?)

The main purpose however seems to be to know when you are not at home or at work, giving these maggots the opportunity to rob you. The implications however are disquieting. Can an emmployer watch your activies while you are working, writing down and using any minor infraction against you?

Could Homeland Security, the FBI, or any other government agency spy on you through any of your webcam enabled devices? Interesting theory don't ya think?

How about your spouse, who in addition to this, has the ability to track the keystrokes on your computer as well GPS track your location. Hey, they can even turn the webcam on your cell phone in to a surveillance camera just by sending you a link in a email! How comforting is that!

You know what, for some reason I am not smiling anymore..I gotta go, I think it's time to not only tape my webcam, but to pull the battery from my cell phone as well as do a electronics sweep of my car!

Can anyone say "conspiracy theory"

Shhh..Look Around. I'm Done!

Monday, March 28, 2011

"NOT SURPRISING" Rant 3-28-11

I've been getting on the Government a bit, let's switch to Government workers for one.

I've been a vocal supporter of union bargaining rights, because I feel that state government is trying to strong arm workers. But I have to say it is difficult to support these workers when you have incidents like the following.

Yesterday 13 workers in the city of Baltimore were arrested on gambling charges after, get this, the police raided their workplace! These walking pieces of wood were also drinking champagne, ALL ON CITY TIME!

Apparently this has been an ongoing custom. Wouldn't you think when cities and states are slashing budgets, and attacking workers rights that these sterotypes of government workers would have the sense to eliminate this reason to fire them? Oh yeah, they were suspended without pay AFTER THEY WERE ARRESTED!

While our school systems are struggling to keep their funding these seemingly "untouchable" termites were being paid to gamble and drink champagne. The galling thing is that some union rep will now most likely come to their aid and try to argue that firing them would be "illegal".

Well, you poster children for how not to act as municipal worker, have embarrased union workers everywhere, and you deserve to be fired.

One good thing you've done is to give the city it's next round cuts..Thank you morons.

I'm Done!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Sad Commentary" Rant 3-28-11

Tonights writing is more a personal sad commentary than a rant.

In yesterday's rant I chastized the Maryland legislature for their psychedelic drug-induced plan to release prisoners, but it also brought a personal situation to the forefront of my thoughts.

As many who know me are aware, in 1983 my family suffered a life altering tragedy when my sister Patty was assualted, and murdered in Battle Creek, Michigan. I know that some of you have experienced a similar tragedy in your life. I don't say this for sympathy, but to drive home the point that our legislators have lost touch with us. I will explain my reasoning.

When my sister was killed it not only took months to find her, but 2 years to bring her killer to justice. When this pimple on a slugs butt was convicted and given "life without parole" (don't even believe it!) we felt a sense of relief, but then reality hit my family like an ice cold towel!

The next 25 years became a constant legal dance with almost constant appeals and motions to which we responded each and every time. When the Michigan Supreme Court finally upheld this walking bacteria's conviction, we finally felt it was over, I don't know why I was suprised when a new tactic was introduced.

The Michigan Innocence Project took up the cause after 20 years, and started a push that lasted for almost 5 years to have this hog's toe jam sentence commuted. Their tactics ranged from him being innocent, to police and prosecutorial misconduct. Again, with each motion our family received countless requests for letters and interviews.

Finally in 2010 after another parole board hearing, and a request for commutation sent to spineless, unpopular, and outgoing Governor Jennifer Granholm this human example of mold was granted parole. They still never proved he didn't do it, but convinced the wimpy Governor of Michigan that he had served enough time. To this I ask, "does my sister now come back to life?"

Yesterday I received notification that this mold on the underside of a rock will be released on parole in April. There are many insults associated with this, but one of the most ironic is that this scums pre-release evaluation was conducted in the town where we still have family!

I guess my point is this. Why do we continue to coddle these spawns of toxic waste at the expense of good people? Why do we continue to allow our legislators to let these creeps out of jail faster than we can put them in? Most of all why do we allow our Governors the power to not only overide the decision of a jury, but the State Supreme Court as well!

My family has 28 days to file an appeal in this case, but after 25 years I don't know if I have the energy. I hope a hard lesson is not learned here, when this by-product of a rat eating feces, kills again.

Where Patty's memory is concerned, I'M NEVER DONE

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"AS THE BONG EMPTIES" Rant 3-26-11

OK Kiddies this one should make us all cock our heads like the RCA dog. (sigh..If you are too young google the RCA dog)

Time to pick on the Maryland legislature. Their latest stupid, crazy, drug induced proposal is the early relase of prisoners!

Yes boy's and girl's, it's that time of the day when the bong is almost empty and the air is full of a hazy smoke. The real world is just a fog filled memory and these lunes are one paycheck away from living under the highway overpasses!

But as usual, I digress. This proposal was actually made about a week ago, but I had to think about it before ranting, I needed to see if it was worthy, after all I was laughing :-)

The gist is this. Our state fortune tellers came up with an idea that by releasing prisoners early they could save $700 million dollars and close one prison! My question is, does that happen before or after these stellar members of society (after all, everyone in prison is innocent) rob, rape, and murder the "prey" they are released amongst?

How high do you have to be to believe this is a good idea?? Hey, all you hallucinating state legislators who are in favor of this, are they being released to your neighborhood??  (Want to bet on this answer?)

When are we going to stop putting dollars ahead of common sense and public safety? Do you want to solve these "Revenue" problems? Bring our jobs back to America! Stop buying cheap foreign crap! But again, I digress.

Bottom line Senator Numbnuts and Congressman Littlewewe, look at this again when the drug and alcohol induced stupor wears off...At least I hope that's what it is, because it scares the hell out of me to think anyone would propose this under normal circumstances!

I'm Done!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Let's Talk" Rant for 3/25/11

Ok, let's talk about traffic cameras. I mean speed, red light and other devices of intrusion that that seem to generate cash for state and local governments, while not giving us the chance to dispute it.

These "Big Brother" instruments of government greed appear to be cropping up everywhere under the guise of "increasing safety". Pleeaaazze, do I look like I was spawned in a pond yesterday? If the rate that these government "peeping Tom" devices are popping up are any indication, cash is purely the issue!

Think about it, you have an uneventful drive home from work one evening, and two weeks later you receive a citation in the mail! First you're angry as hell, thinking, when did I get this?

Then you get even angrier, because you don't remember speeding, or even seeing a police officer. Then you feel violated, and that's the worst feeling of all.

It is extremely frustrating to think that everything you do could be under surveillance, and that you could be accused and fined without your knowledge. I must admit that you do have the option of disputing the violation in court, but the cost is prohibitive, especially if you can't afford to lose a day of work, or afford to pay the additional court cost if you lose. And another point, what about our right to face our accuser? How do you cross examine a camera?

What are we to do? How do you combat this most recent assault on our privacy? I don't know about you, but I am going to find a way to shade my license plate, and for good measure, I am going to wear a gorilla mask!

I'm Done!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"TOO FAR" Rant 3-22-11

Ok now technology is going too far!

Have you heard about one of the latest ways that lazy slimy crooks are using to get your credit card info? Just as we were becoming aware of, and checking for the "fake" swipe machines attached to ATM's, gas pumps, and other devices that accept credit cards, there comes another technological advance in the competitive war to steal your money. (I guess the government will now have to try and catch up.)

Pick pockets now have moved into this century with the RFID handheld scanner. These computer savvy street scum can now use a handheld scanner to steal your credit card info by holding the scanner in their hand as they walk close to you. The card does not even need to be out of your wallet or purse! How convienent for these sewer dwellers!! They don't even need to risk catching some sort of disease by touching you or getting too close; isn't that nice?

This underscores the "vessel of ineptitude" (my son will like this :) that is our technology development industry. Not only do we develop the technology to foster lack of human contact, but we don't even limit, or control, it's irresponsible use. Can any one say nuclear energy or Japan? (You would have thought that after WW11 they would've avoided nuclear devices of any kind.) Sorry, I digress.

Back to RFID. They are now putting these RFID tags in a variety of products which include books, clothes, and who knows what else. You will just be able to wave your credit or debit card in front of the scanner, as well as the item chip to complete your purchase. I guess the ultimate goal is to eliminate cashiers. One upside would be for the "ladies of the night", they would no longer need to collect that bulky germ carrying cash. :)

So what happens when that signal is "floating" in the air? Can it be hijacked? Will they cause brain tumors? These are questions we should answer.  Hey remember when people were wearing tinfoil on their heads and putting it on their walls to avoid radio signals???

Maybe they weren't so crazy huh!

So if you are in a crowd or a store, and feel a tingling sensation wherever you carry your wallet or purse, be aware you may have just been scanned.

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Panic" Rant 3-18-11

I have strictly tried to avoid family and work in my rants, but for some reason my youngest son has taken offense that he has never been the subject of one these. This surprises me because he is usually private about personal things. He also commented that no one reads my blog anyway. (ouch)

Maybe this will satisfy his craving, or not. :-)

I came home from work one day last week and as I was headed to my home office something did not look right. As I got closer to my son's room, I became a little panicky and my adrenaline started pumping...

There was someting lumpy on the floor sticking out of the door, at this point I was seeing faster than my brain was processing, so I proceeded to his room. When I got in the room I was scared! It looked like the room had been ransacked, it was a shambles! All sorts of things started going through my head, was he OK? Had the house been robbed? As I started looking through the house I began to calm down, nothing seemed to be out of place or missing, so I returned to his room for a calmer inspection.

When I began looking around the room things became clearer. The lump on the floor was used towels. The disarray on the bed amounted to miscellaneous school books, and an unmade bed! What I thought was further ransacking was unused clothing and shoes that, in spite of his mother's request, had not been hung up or put away in their proper place. Further inspection also showed an assortment of sports equipment and backpack. I can't even describe the desk!

 All in all, my conclusion was a typical teenage boys room...Although, I think I was happier when I thought it had been ransacked!

I'm Done :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"You Might Be A Driving Moron If" Rant 3-17-11

I thought I would take a page out of Jeff Foxworthy's book. These are in no particular order.

  1. You think yellow lights are a sign to speed up.
  2. You use your car as an office, self grooming area, restaurant, conference room, and library all while driving.
  3. You feel the highway is your personal dumpsite by throwing trash out your window at 60 MPH. Before you ask, yes it includes cigarette butts. (after all whose gonna know, beside the car behind you that you hit with the trash?)
  4. You think the rest of the world is clairvoyant, so you don't use your turn signal when turning left across traffic. (one of my favorites)
  5. You drive below the speed limit in the left lane. (I love "lane police:)
  6. You take up two spaces in a full parking lot, because you don't want your "Tom Sawyer" paint job to get scratched.
  7. You "create" a space in a parking lot where none exists. (who cares if no one can get around you)
  8. You use a handicap spot because, "well they aren't using it anyway".
  9. You believe the hanheld ban on cellphone use doesn't apply to you. (after all, discussing last nights drunken binge when your head was in the toilet is so important)
  10. You think the stopping distance that the car in the next lane left, is just for you to squeeze into. (combine this with no turn signal for a truly moronic experience.)
  11. You think you can draft off the car in front of you just like Nascar. (to take your moronic experience to the next level, turn on your high beams.)
  12. You cut across 3 lanes of traffic to exit, causing many drivers to slam their brakes because your job of pebble cleaning is more important than everyone else's life. 
  13. You drive up the shoulder in heavy traffic because your a special moron.
  14. You drive your motorcycle betweeen car lanes because, "well why not".
  15. Someone using their turn signal attempts to change lanes and you speed up, because, "hey they're not getting in front of me." (Uhh ok, guilty sometimes.)
  16. You don't use your turn signal at all! (This makes you a special SLUG-MORON)

As I said, these are in no particular order and you may even have some of your own. I'm just throwing them out there.

I'm Done!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Greedy 2" Supplemental Rant 3-16-11

I just posted a rant, but after watching the local news I was angry!

How greedy of a candy stealing lowlife must you be to take someone's winning lotto ticket????

In Baltimore County, a liquor store owner was stung by lotto agents after they received complaints that this woman was taking winning lotto tickets from her customers, and telling them they were losers! The latest case involved a $10,000.00 scratch off winner brought in by a lotto agent. They busted her greedy a&$ when she went to redeem the ticket!

What a thieving low-life. This "business" owner was scamming the same loyal customers that kept her in business for over a decade! I have been to this liquor store and business was good. It's a pure and simple case of greed. I would have to ask if it is worth losing your business and going to jail over a couple of hundred bucks you over indulgent pig!

Most of us know that most of the people that play the lotto are the people who can least afford it, so any winnings are probably much appreciated. What surprises me is that the machinery that scans the tickets lets off bells and lights when a winning ticket is scanned. Her customers trusted her so much that many did not question her when she told them they had losing tickets...

How many people must this have happened to. and how do you even begin to investigate all the cases? This woman needs to be given the harshest sentence possible for violating her customers trust, and given the dirtiest most disgusting jobs possible for her greed.

This one is right up there with the greedy police officers that received kickbacks for steering drivers to Majestic BodyShop.

I can't stand it!  I'm Done!!

"Greedy" Rant 3-15-11

Late posting (or early depending on your point of view) due to inconsistent internet connection.

The greedy hogs just  keep getting greedier and fatter!

JP Morgan Chase Bank is now exploring, (as I am sure many others are) limiting the amount of money you can take per transaction using your debit card. The number discussed is $100.00

At first glance you would think, how nice, they are trying to protect us from fraud and limit our liability. Finally a bank that is looking out for us :-)

But being a cynical skeptic is in my nature, ( I am just a glass half empty kinda guy. :( ) so I started looking for the "too good to be true" caveat, and I found it!

These hogs in benevolent disguise are only trying took out for their greedy selves. By limiting the amount per transaction, these pigpen occupiers plan on charging for each transaction! By lowering the amount per transaction it forces you to use the ATM more, thus more FEES! How slick!

They are just trying to get around the new consumer protection laws passed in regards to credit cards. Like any good "shell game artist" they have figured out another fee to "squeeze" our pockets.

The unbrideled greed of these people knows no bounds, and discriminates against no one. We are all equal opportunity "lollipops" We just continue to have money sucked out of our pockets to "feed the hogs"


I'm Done!

Monday, March 14, 2011

"REALLY" Rant 3-14-11

Busy weekend so no rant..Sorry.

There are times when I just can't understand what cloud people are living on.

In Florida, they are actually discussing making "Physical Ed" optional in the school system. Can someone tell me what these sand fleas are thinking?

Have they not seen the reports that show the childhood obesity levels in this country are out of control? The only body parts that are thin on some of these kid's are their thumbs. Most of their time is spent on video games, and as for some parents that's just fine. As long as they are not bothered they don't see the problem. Some of these children are so obese they can't walk up a set of stairs without being winded.

One parent being interviewed said she is fine with PE being optional, her son skateboards all the time. What's that, one child out of a hundred? Naturally, not one parent of an "overweight" child was interviewed.

I am concerned that these fleas have their heads buried so far in the sand, that the problem has the potential to spiral out of control. And why?? Oh Yea, MONEY!

Has every local, state and federal agency in this country lost all perspective? Our children are the future of this country. We now want to cut education, head start programs, PE and many other things that have to do with education. Couple this with parent apathy and you do the math, we are heading for disaster.

We've already made children feel entitled, by the everybody wins mentality, you can see where that has gotten us. We now have children that everytime their feelings get hurt want to take drastic measures. We have not taught them to adapt. Now we can finish them off by killing off their self esteem, by making them obese.

Leave the damn PE in schools. For once think of our children's health, the cost is lower than the alternative..

I'm Done!

Friday, March 11, 2011

NON Rant 3-11-10

Well, as usual I had a rant planned but reality stepped in.

As many of you know a major earthquake devaststed parts of Japan today, if you haven't heard this then you've been in a vacuum.

In light of this event and the personal tragedies it has spawned, I think a rant was insignificant and inappropriate. While watching this tradgedy unfold it became apparent that I need to keep the purpose of this rant in perspective and on mission, while not taking it too seriously.

 I think we all need to remember that the little annoyances and discourtesies we experience everyday are insignificant in the grand scheme of life. It is horribly obvious while watching today's events in Japan, that natural events could destroy everthing and everyone we hold dear in an instant.

So, please take time to appreciate your friends and family, and reflect on the blessings God has given you.

Let me be the first to tell all my friends and family how special they are to me, even if I don't say it often enough.

And please take a minute to pray for all the victims of this tradgedy and those in New Zealand and Haiti. Be thankful that although we all have problems, they could be worse.

God Bless, I'm Done

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blind Rant 3-09-11

Ok, so tell me, how blind do you have to be to not only be using your truck's high beams and fog lights, but also the the cattle-catcher spotlights on the rollbar. All this on a well lit beltway at 6:30 AM.

The only reason I surmise he is blind, is that this bat-boy was on my bumper at 80MPH! It's obvious that with all the lights blasting he still needed a visual reference to keep from getting lost!

Hey you mushroom minded cave dweller, you really should get your eyes checked. Someone with that severe of a sight deficiency really could be endangering themselves, not to mention the high cost of replacing those bulbs. After all, the hotter a bulb burns the shorter the life. Just trying to help you out guano breath.

Another thing that makes me think he was blind, and a bat, is what I saw when he passed me. (he must have finally tuned his radar)

Well it looked like his seat was reclined and the shirt he was wearing was way to large. This gave the appearance of "bat-wings" His hat was on sideways, so it was obvious he could not see when he got dressed..Gee, I hope he had pants on! (didn't need that visual!)

Hey cave dweller, please be careful when you get out of the truck, we wouldn't want you to slip on any excess guano..

As an afterthought, I really don't care, and while your at it straighten your hat and put on a shirt that fits!

Your parents must be sooo proud.

I'm Done!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Rant 3-07-11

You know it's bad when you dread spring.

While everyone one else is thinking of warm weather, spring flowers, getting out in the sun, I am thinking of another season of the dirt bike "chimps"!

Let me paint the picture. When we bought our home in this sub-division in 2004 one of the selling points was that the house backed up to a county common area. Little did we know that people were using it as a dirt bike track. The main offenders are a family I have dubbed the "chimps" these people think they are living in the woods. They build bonfires and ride ATV's and Dirt Bikes well into the wee hours of the morning. These mental midgets have no regard for the people around them. Couple this with an HOA that has the hibernation skills of a ground hog and it gets interesting.

It has taken 6 yrs to get to a reasonable level of activity only to find that this spring a whole new generation of "chimps" are coming. The parents seem to not care who their children disturb as long as it isn't them. As long as the noise is not behind their house, it's not a problem.

It's a mind-numbing experience to not be able to sit anywhere in your house to avoid these evolutionary dead ends. The police are no help..I observed an unregistered scooter passing a police car while driving on a county highway! The officer did not even attempt to stop him! I'll bet if a licensed insured driver hit one of these illegal circus seals, we would be vilified!

I tired of tolerating bad and rude behaviour, because people feel it's no big deal and behaving any way they wish is their right.  Hey if you are not mentally mature enough to have children, and do not wish to raise them to be responsible or respectful, NEUTER YOURSELF! Stop inconveniencing the rest of us you flat-heads!

I'm Done!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Health Concern Rant 3-04-11

I am very upset and concerned! I think I've found a serious health issue..In my wallet!

This morning when I stopped to get to gas I started to pull my credit card from my wallet and I felt resistance..I think the card was trying to hold on to the wallet, how crazy is that? (Oh, I saved $0.86 on a $56.00 tank of gas at Sam's club, be still my heart.)

My concern turned to alarm when I placed it in the pump card slot, and I could've sworn I heard it scream. Not only was it disquieting, it broke my heart! Lunch was also a sad affair as my card snapped at me when I tried to remove it from my wallet..What is going on?

I decided to have the card checked, because it was painfully obvious it wasn't feeling well. I took it to the bank to see if they could diagnose the problem. After looking at my bank statement we thought the card may just be "anemic", but on further examination we determined that it was "clinically depressed"

We determined that it's overworked! With the price of gas, milk, as well as food and other items at record levels and continuing to rise, the responsibility is just to much for this one card!

We decided it needs a couple of weeks off, and possibly at lotto win to recharge itself, but I can't afford to give it time off, as there is nothing to take it's place.

I really need to find a solution soon, before my card has a complete nervous breakdown. Any suggestions?

Please join me in prayer for it's speedy recovery!

I'm Done :-)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Angry Rant 3-03-11

This one really incenses me!

If you wonder why the citizen's of this country have lost respect for our government and why attendance at our churches is down, you only need to look at the recent ridiculous decision of the Supreme (are you kidding?) Court regarding the Westboro Kansas Cult, oops sorry, I mean Baptist Church..

The decision by these lead paint eating "justices", (with the exception of Justice Alito, whose dissenting opinion showed great common sense)  to cowardly hide behind the letter of the constitiution, instead of taking these one cell snake charmers to task, is unconcionable. I don't believe that this was the intent of our forefathers.

This decision which upholds the hateful nonsensical premise that gay's or any other group, with the exception of insurgents, terrorists or extremists, are responsible for soldiers deaths, is delusional.

As a veteran, I am insulted that the justice system in a country that continues to sacrifice so many young people in defense of our country, would allow such callousness, and lack of respect towards their families in their saddest hour. They then add insult to this injury by requiring the family to pay the legal fees of these reptiles! They should be truly ashamed!

When 48 states and 42 senators side with the family that's a mandate! Justice Roberts and the "brain dead" 7 that followed him have shown how useless our supreme court has become. They violate the very spirit of this country. Had this jellyfish had any spine he would have added the following statement to his opinion. "We also respect the right of the grieving family to give the Westboro members a thorough beating with impunity"

Link to the story is below.

I'm Done!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another You Can't Make This Up Rant 3-02-11

Again events drop in to your life.  Truth continues to be stranger than fiction. I don't know if I am more perplexed by the logic displayed by this armadillo brained legislator, or the mesquite chewing snake charmers that voted for her.

I am not doing a "rant" per se tonight. I am going to copy a story for you to read. This may possibly lead to your own rant. Keep in mind that I am not against legal immigration of any kind, but illegal immigration is a severe problem that needs to be dealt with.
Wed Mar 2, 12:11 pm ET

Proposed Texas immigration law contains convenient loophole for ‘the help’

By Brett Michael Dykes

Wed Mar 2, 12:11 pm ET

Texas has long been a hotbed of controversy on immigration issues. And a proposed immigration bill in the Texas state House is sure to raise more than a few eyebrows. The bill would make hiring an "unauthorized alien" a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores.
Yes, under the House Bill 2012 introduced by a tea party favorite state Rep. Debbie Riddle -- who's been saying for some time that she'd like to see Texas institute an Arizona-style immigration law -- hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. Why? As Texas state Rep. Aaron Pena, also a Republican, told CNN, without the exemption, "a large segment of the Texas population" would wind up in prison if the bill became law.
"When it comes to household employees or yard workers it is extremely common for Texans to hire people who are likely undocumented workers," Pena told the news giant. "It is so common it is overlooked."
Jon English, Rep. Riddle's chief of staff explained that the exemption was an attempt to avoid "stifling the economic engine" in Texas, which today is, somewhat ironically, celebrating its declaring independence from Mexico in 1836.
"Excepting household workers from a anti-immigration laws renders the law impotent and self-contradictory, just like the current U.S. immigration policy, of which it is almost a perfect microcosm," legal ethics writer Jack Marshall wrote on his blog. "It guarantees a measure without integrity that sends a mixed enforcement message and does nothing to stop the long-standing deplorable 'we don't want you but somebody has to do those menial jobs' attitude that has paralyzed our immigration policy for decades."
Rep. Riddle made headlines last year when she claimed unnamed FBI officials had told her that pregnant women from the Middle East were traveling to America as tourists to give birth, and then raising their children to be terrorists who could later enter the U.S. freely as citizens -- so-called "terror babies," a devious offshoot of "anchor babies." She became somewhat infamous on the web when she stumbled repeatedly in a CNN interview about the claims, complaining later that host Anderson Cooper's line of questioning was more intense than she had prepared for.
"They did not tell me you were going to grill me on specific information that I was not ready to give to you tonight," Riddle said when Cooper pressed her for more details.


I'm Done!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Drive Through Lane Rant 3-01-11

If you have any doubt that we have turned into a "Jabba The Hud" society, just check out any drive-through lane of any commercial venture, from fast food, to banking, to pharmacy's. I won't even mention car washes and some liquor stores.

Let me start with one example. As is my custom (I've mentioned this in previous rants) I stopped this morning at my local DD for my usual XL decaf on my way to work. I usually utilize the drive-through lane.

This morning was a little different. I don't know if it was because I was running late or all my neutrons were firing, but after about 5 minutes I noticed the line had not moved. There were at least 7 cars in front of me and another 7 in back of me. I had never seen the line this long, I was stupified! (not always difficult for me) Since I was in a hurry and had not yet reached that part of the drive-through where I was blocked by the "cattle chute", I decided to park and go in.

When I walked in I was AMAZED! I had reached the nirvana of customer service. The girl behind the counter was standing there looking out the window, not a soul in line. She looked at me like she was a puppy and I had a treat. I was literally in and out in less than a minute.

You had to see the expression on the faces of the people in the drive-through lane as I came out, (the line had still not moved) one woman was looking longfully at my coffee with the saddest brown eyes. She started looking around for an escape, but alas, she was in the "cattle chute". Poor woman, I felt so bad; while taking a sip of my coffee. One gentlemen in a van almost dropped his cigarette, and he too could not escape...

I decided to observe various drive-through's throughout the day. To my surprise every drive through I visited had the same result, long outside lines with no one waiting inside. I went to the bank, and to lunch, and got in and out in record time.

I am amused by our "car ass" mentality that makes us so lazy we gain weight as we shop! Look around, look at the wonders we miss, and the time we could save by getting our massive butts out of the car. We wonder why our kids never leave the house, when's the last time you made them play outside?

I've come to the realization that the innovations we've invented to save us time have now slowed us down, and have caused us to burn fuel as well, which we can ill afford.

Think about it while you are stuffing down a cream donut and slurping your double latte with chocolate chips and whip. Are you one of the "JABBA'S", is your butt stuck in your car seat?

I'm Done!