Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rant For 1-27-11

I didn't post a rant for yesterday as I was working on the one for today..I have tried to avoid doing political or religious rants because you can never win, the opinions are too diverse.

Well, I've decided to do a political rant. I don't know why, I must be lacking some cerebral proteins. If you are a hardcore supporter of the NRA or ACLU, don't read the comments on political correctness or assault weapons... your head may explode.

As I expected, responses and rebuttals to the State of the Union Address overwhelmed inboxes and facebook accounts alike. I wont even mention the blogs. After reading some of the comments from the right and the left, I've come to the realization (forgive me if I am slow) that not only are our political parties a sad parody of their decades old counterparts, but we citizens need a serious time out! As a former lifelong democrat I am more convinced than ever that my decision to switch to an independent was the right one. I truly believe that the toilet water mis-information that these flat-heads are spewing is not only insulting, but dangerous.

If you are a middle class taxpayer and believe that any of these walking pillars of human waste, on the right or left, are helping you, then you've been drinking chemically enhanced pond water and have become severely brain damaged. We need a "Common Sense" party. One that when they look at an issue can say, "wait that doesn't make sense", and act accordingly. They should all be issued a stupid stamp that can be used on an idiot's forehead at the first sign of brain freeze (to save money this could also be used in our court system to deal with lawsuits.).

As middle class taxpayers all we are to the government is an open wallet and ATM. Like in any "family", we are the bill payers. The government is like our children, they just want money. They don't want to hear what we think, and when we ask questions, they tell us we wouldn't understand, government is too complicated!

Well MEATHEADS, since we are the "bill payers" for your ridiculous programs and imaginary cuts, we want an accounting! If  our government (I believe "our" is purely symbolic) is serious about cuts, they would immediately end all vote buying bribes called earmarks and all the wealthy-benefiting tax cuts. Really, if these tax cuts were going to generate jobs they would have done it over the last 4 years...Oh, I'm sorry they did, in China and Mexico!! Everyone should pay their fair share. Entitlements also need to go on hiatus,. We need to stop giving OUR money away.

I am going to mention a few of the top (arguably) issues facing our country, that these tree dwelling baboons keep dragging on. I will try to give what I believe are common sense approaches. These may or may not be realistic, but then I haven't been elected to solve the problems.

  1. JOBS- How can you have jobs if you don't manufacture anything in this country anymore?
    1. Tax the hell out of the junk imports we receive
    2. Do not tax our companies on the manufactured items they export
    3. Give tax incentives to companies that manufacture here
    4. Give incentives to companies that build new factories
  2. HEALTH CARE- This one makes me laugh. We, as middle class taxpayers, fund this either way.
    1. Give us all the same health plan congress has
  3. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION- The first word in the title says it all. ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL. What happens if we American citizens do something illegal? hhmmm..
    1. Clarify the 14th ammendment- It was designed for the children of slaves not for every belly crawler that gets under the fence
    2. Stop giving illegals the same rights and benefits as citizens. It strains our resources and insults the legal immigrants that worked hard to become citizens
  4. TAX CUTS- People are you really buying this one? If you don't think the revenues will be made up somewhere you're in la-la land.
    1. Get rid of all tax cuts and have EVERYONE pay their FAIR share
    2. Institute a national sales tax as opposed to an income tax
    3. Institute a flat tax so everyone pays the same percentage
  5. ASSAULT WEAPONS- I am not for total gun control. Until you get the guns out of the criminal hands you can't take them from law-abiding citizens. But really, do you faux-outdoorsman really believe a weapon that was soley designed to KILL PEOPLE is necessary in the hands of the general public? As a Viet-Nam vet I know what they can do to the human body first hand.
    1. Ban assualt weapons
    2. At least ban high capacity ammo magazines
  6. BAILOUTS/STIMULUS- This is a classic, true example of greed at it's finest! I wonder where the CEO's of AIG and Bank of America are today (can you say MADOFF)?. These companies have surpassed the sleazy reputations of the 19th century robber barons. I'll bet you that Rockefeller and Carnegie (amoung others) can now rest in their graves. Here is the point, let these BLOODSUCKING THIEVES go under! It's called CAPITALISM! If one company fails another will take it's place. What a concept!
    1. Stop all bailouts and stimulus- simple huh?
  7. SOCIAL SECURITY- This one by far heads the list. If all you GREEDY GOVERMENT LEECHES had not stuck you hand in the cookie jar this fund would be fine! Your constant raiding of this fund like it was a cash cow, has put it in the state it is in. Now it is the day of reckonong for you bloodsuckers. You better fix it now, without sucking the american people dry or you will be held accountable.
    1. Stop using SS to shore up the general fund, this is not your money
    2. Do not use it  as a bank for every social program
  8. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS- This one item has done more to erode our national identity than anything else. As I've stated before, it probably began with some mealy mouthed whiner who got their feelings hurt every time they received the slightest bit of criticism, constructive or not, or weren't picked for a team. These people need to run home to mommy.
    1. Stop this ludicrous practice! Suck it up Namby-Pamby's
There are many other issues I could have addressed, but I would keep finding more and the list would be exponential. If you are offended by anything in here TOO BAD, get over yourself. These issues need to be addressed sensibly, not with anger.

If you are waiting for the government to fix these problems, then this rant wasn't for you. You can return your head to the toilet...Sorry, I mean the sand.


  1. Mike - well said. Perhaps you should send a copy of these to each Congress and House Representatives in the State, oh include Gov O'Malley on that list.

  2. Thanks Maria, I don't think they'd listen. O'malley would be first on the list.
