Surprise! Another snow day without snow.
One of my rants last week was about commercials. Well you are going to love this latest assault on our sensibilities!
Are you ready for the mirrors in public restrooms to inundate you with advertising? Oh yes, my friends, there is no longer a need to bring reading material to the rest room, just look at the mirror for your reading and viewing pleasure. Fortunately, the mirrors in your home are still off limits.
Clear Channel and a company called Mirrus is teaming up to put "interactive billboards"in select airport restrooms across the country, but are starting at Chicago's O'Hare. These ad's will be gender specific depending on the rest room you use...
I don't know about you but I've about had it with these advertising trolls who feel they need to fill every open or private space with a product pitch.
I don't want to hear about hotel deals, feminine hygiene products, masculine hygiene products, condoms, or male enhancement products everytime I turn around. Take your oatmeal brained ideas and stick them in your four point contact!! Stop deciding what I need to hear, and when and where I need to hear it BOZO's
Anybody that believes that deodorant attracts women, that specific shoes make them a superstar, or that the brand of vodka they drink will change their lives, (beyond helping their alcohol craving) needs a mental health day.
Do you pirranah's in the koy pond, really believe we are not intelligent enough to search for what we need when we need it. Hey, your pin stripes need cleaning.
I think the people running the airports should be included in your rant. They are ALLOWING these companies to put this crap on the walls instead of in the toilet. Just for a few more dollars. Our sense of privacy and propriety seems to have disappeared down the rabbit hole.