Here is today's RANT.I am going to start it with a warning and disclaimer.
This RANT is not going to be funny, whimsical, or a feel good.. Most likely I may anger some. If so, TOUGH! Get a crying towel and call somebody who cares and follow someone else.
Just for the record I AM TOTALLY AGAINST TAKING WEAPONS FROM LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, because unless you disarm the criminals it makes no sense. With that said...
As I sit here ONCE AGAIN listening to reports of yet another MASS SHOOTING, my heart feels as heavy as LEAD. I am APPALLED, FURIOUS, and FEELING HELPLESS as we observe what has become an all to familiar scene. Yet another instance of TERROR and DEATH perpertrated by a MURDERER that has resulted in the DEATHS of innocent people and the ANGUISH of their family and friends, on one of our college campuses.
ONCE AGAIN we listen to the OBLIGATORY expressions of ANGER and SORROW as well as the self-serving PONTIFICATION of our incompetent elected officials, who do nothing but POINT FINGERS of BLAME at THEIR OPPONENTS.
Well I for one, am TIRED of it. It's time to STOP POINTING FINGERS and work together to find a SOLUTION. It's time for these OFFICALS to CLOSE their collective INSINCERE, PLATITUDE SPOUTING mouths and DO SOMETHING! Listening to their INTELLIGENCE INSULTING explantions has become LAUGHABLE!
These SO-CALLED PUBLIC SERVANTS, know the where the problems and solutions lie.
We all know the STUMBLING BLOCKS to meanigful solutions are..(wait for the moment of enlightenment) GUN LOBBIES and MONEY. (are you as shocked as me?)
The GUN LOBBYISTS have there hand so far up our LEGISLATORS butts, that their fingers CONTROL THEIR LIPS. Add to this their GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS and the result is OBVIOUS.
These SO-CALLED GUARDIANS of the PUBLIC TRUST, need to read the 2nd amendment and understand it, not let the GUN LOBBIES INTERPRET it for them! No where does it state we can run unfettered through the streets with assault rifles. It is also tiring to hear the phrase "GOD GIVEN RIGHT" I challenge any of these so called SPINNERS of TRUTH to show me where in the Bible it says "AND LET THEM HAVE AK'S AND AR'S". It's pure and simply a "MAN GIVEN RIGHT"
Once again I remind you, I am AGAINST taking guns from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, but as a VietNam Vet and someone who has seen the effects of an assualt rifle on the HUMAN BODY, I must say the CLOCK is TICKING, something has to be done.
What I am against is giving every CRIMINAL, FANATIC, and ZEALOT with a CAUSE free access to weapons.I find it sadly ODD that the need for IDs and CHECKS are loudly voiced to control VOTING and other BASIC RIGHTS, but not to protect the safety of our CHILDREN and SOCIETY. Could it be that the GUN RIGHTS ADVOCATES that so ADAMANTLY OPPOSE background checks COULDN'T PASS one themselves? (food for thought)
The phrase that GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE is ACCURATE. People are KILLED by UNIDENTIFIED CRIMINALS, LUNATICS ZEALOTS and FANATICS and most of all APATHY. It's only COMMON SENSE to make it as difficult as possible for these PEOPLE to get weapons.
Our PUBLIC SERVANTS should be ASHAMED! It's time to take the PUPPET MASTERS hand out of your ASSES and DO WHAT'S RIGHT! The CLOCK IS TICKNG for a meaningful SOLUTION.
I'm Done
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