Friday, April 5, 2013


Good Morning,
So let's see how much indignation I can stockpile with this "Rant". I actually had to calm myself for a couple of days before writing this, to avoid sputtering and being more incoherent as usual.

Some have asked why with my moderate views why I don't agree more with the right, surprisingly, I am sometimes closer than even I thought, but then....

One of the newest GOP darlings has already let his big mouth swallow his brain, which should be difficult for a "Neurosurgeon". Dr. Ben Carson has once again proven that you can be intelligent and brilliant in your field, but still be "SOCIALLY IGNORANT"  (Just as many before him) In the last two months this self righteous throwback has made comments trying to ridicule the president at a prayer breakfast, (Which I feel is an inappropriate venue) equating the gay life style to pedophilia and bestiality, (For which he has since apologized) and his most recent comment labeling all "WHITE LIBERAL MALES" as racists! Talk about profiling!

As a "WHITE LIBERAL MALE" I find these comments OFENSIVE, BIGOTED, and IGNORANT! Labeling "WHITE LIBERAL MALES" as racists are on par with labeling all SOUTHERN MALES as KU KLUX KLAN members, or all BLACK MALES as LAZY!! In all fairness he may have been talking about white males in the "LIBERAL MEDIA" but I don't believe you can separate one from the other. Views are views.

In my eyes these insane ramblings  have now put DR. CARSON in the same vein (arguably) as the lunatics like Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, and who could not add Glen Beck (whose mental health has been questioned) and Rush Limbaugh.

I would love to know why the "EXTREME RIGHT" (note: extreme)continues to cultivate these Neanderthal views! I am tired of all the bashing and finger pointing. If you don't have  practical solutions that benefit the country as a whole...SHUT THE HELL UP! Apparently when you hit a certain level in life your "BRAIN CELLS GET SCRAMBLED" and you feel you matter more than the rest of us.

Here is a message for Dr. Crazy. I applaud and respect your talent and accomplishments in your field, but I mean no offense when I say if I need a doctor, please don't touch me. Not because your black, but because I am a "WHITE LIBERAL MALE" and with your views about my political leanings, I wouldn't want you to let the knife slip!

NOTE: There may be a positive here if it causes us to pause and examine and question our beliefs and views.


                                                                I'M DONE! (I hate this kind of Rant)

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