Thought I went away didn't you? Not a chance :) Seriously, many events over the last couple of months have caused my blog to take a back seat. You know I will never run out of material.
Well today I have decided to do a few mini-rants to try and catch up. So let's begin!
Item #1- Moron's Are Everywhere
How many times have you driven down the highway or street and seen a dog or even a child with their head out the window trying to get air or catch rain? Normal sight isn't it? Well, how many times have you seen the driver of the car with his head out the window, trying to catch rain? If you think it's a normal occurence, GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD, NOW!
While driving down the street last month, I saw a driver with his head out the window, holding out his tongue, trying to catch the rain. Now I don't know, maybe "Rain Catcher" didn't have water at home or, was trying to occupy himself while the car drove itself, either way this human "Stuffed Animal", for our own safety, should not be behind the wheel. Or, maybe he should let the dog drive.
Item #2- Are You Kidding Me??
I have been stewing over this one for awhile. You may have heard of this on the news, but for those that haven't. Let's move to wonderful California and "Cinco De Mayo" yes that great American holiday! Sorry, I get confused sometimes as to what side of the border we are on. let's move on.
A high school in the state of California in Mexico, (sorry, got confused again) forced American high school students to remove their shirts displaying the American Flag, on "Cinco De Mayo" saying it was "inflammatory", but Mexican students could proudly display the Mexican flag!
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT! When did displaying the American Flag, by American's in the United States of America become "INFLAMMATORY"!!? Where and when we display our flag has been under constant attack! Recently, a retired 9/11 rescue worker was displaying his flag to honor 9/11 and Veterans when he was forced to remove it by his "HOMEOWNER" Association and the courts as not fitting the "IMAGE" of his neighboorhood. When did these "NAZI" wannabe's get the power to dictate when we could fly our flags, and what "JELLO-BRAINED" judge would agree with them? While people from other cultures can display their "HOMELAND'S" flag with impunity, we are constantly being restricted.
We as American's need to send a message, that there are NO INSTANCES where an AMERICAN cannot display the american flag, in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, as long as it is done in a respectful manner. We are Americans and we reserve the right to remind people that we are just as proud of our country as other's are. And once again, School administrator's "LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE" need to stop forcing their views down our children's throats in an attempt to not offend other's!
Item #3- Clown Congress
I don't know why I continue to hope our congress will wake up. Is anyone surprised that the "CLOWN COMMITTEE", (sorry, Super Committee) failed?? Again, our congress has demonstrated that they do not have the best interest of the American people at heart. Once again, they have wasted time and taxpayer money only to fail to reach an agreement, natuarally blaming each other for the "IMPASSE". Blame OBAMA all you want, but no president, REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRAT, FEDERALIST, or WHIG, has been able to accomplish anything without congress. The "greed" of our corporations, the "entitlement mentality" of our population, coupled with the "disconnect" and "lack of understanding" by our government, are all creating a perfect storm of disaster for our country and our future. OUR CURRENT CONGRESS NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT NOW! It's not going to get any better until we clean house.
Item #4- No Butt's
OK, this is serious, but it still made me laugh. (how insensitve I am). A news story this morning highlighted a shadow industry, that provides "illegal injections" to adult dancers to enhance their "BUTTS". Yes, their "BUTTS". One dancer became seriously ill when the silicone used by an "unlicensed" provider, migrated to her lungs. Sad.
This is the one that made me laugh, a "provider" injected a woman's "BUTT" with a mixture of "CEMENT" and wait for it..."FIX-A-FLAT". Yes, you read correctly, "FIX-A-FLAT" :) (I am sorry, it still makes me laugh)
What "BRAIN EATING CHEMICALS" are you ingesting, to decide, hey, I can make money by injecting women's "BUTTS" with "CEMENT and FIX-A-FLAT"
Sad "BUTT" True..Sorry, couldn't resist :)