The level of the absurd we endure on a daily basis continues to escalate, and our children are being affected.I think before allowing someone to be a teacher, they should have to take a common sense test. Let me explain.
A self-righteous teacher in California (maybe that explains it) disciplined a student for saying "GOD BLESS YOU" when a fellow student sneezed! His explanation was, that is was a class disruption and the sentiment was not relative! He even went as far as to deduct 25 points from the student's grade!
What the hell gives this adle-brained supposed educator the right to impose his personal beliefs on the children in his charge?? Can you imagine the confused and hurt feelings that this student had for conveying a good will sentiment to a fellow student!
Here is some advice to this RIDICULOUS excuse for a teacher. CONCENTRATE ON DOING YOUR JOB! Do not try to impose your beliefs, and in this case, undermine the teachings of the parents. We need teachers to open our children's minds not close them. We don't care about your opinions. If you can't teach objectively and impartially, then go clean up dog crap in the park!
It's closed minded whack jobs like you that don't understand how a child feels, that needs to be doing something else. Stop giving good teachers a bad name.
Don't you think that discipling this student for something positive they said borders on censorship?