Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"PT BARNUM WAS RIGHT" Rant For 8-16-11

I have come to the conclusion that PT Barnum was right. There is a every SUCKER BORN every minute!

Take the latest example..Dunkin Donuts has a added a drink called "Frozen Hot Chocolate" when I first saw this I chuckled. How did they accomplish this oxymoron? Did they make hot chocolate and put it in the freezer? My amusement turned to astonishment when I actually saw people ordering this menu item born of SMOKE and MIRRORS (including my son, although he caught on extremely quickly).

I must admit to a certain admiration for the marketing people who come up with these shell games. Are they genuises, or are the people who buy into these ploys so gullible we just need to shake our heads? People spoiler alert! IT'S JUST CHOCOLATE MILK, and not very well mixed at that!

I put this one up there with SKY HOOKS, LEFT HANDED MONKEY WRENCHES, and one of my all time favorites, THE PET ROCK. However,the ultimate winner of the whole money for nothing scam is..(let's see how many people this tweaks) are PSL's. Yes my fellow sheep, PERSONAL SEAT LICENSES! this is the ultimate in proving Barnum's theory! In a nutshell your are actually paying for the right to buy season tickets. Talk about double dipping. Some people have said, I paid for it THAT'S MY SEAT! If you want to test that theory, try using that seat at another event besides a football game.

Don't get me wrong, if wasting your money on these things makes you happy, more power to you. I figure though if I want a better seat than my 46"HDTV, I'll just get a bigger TV. It'll cost less than PSL'S.

I'm sorry if I interrupted your workout time..Hey, you can always take one of those pills that promises weight loss with no controlling what you eat, or doing exercise.

Ole' PT would be proud!

I'm Done!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"PARTISAN POLITICAL BS" Rant for 8-10-11

I am obviously like Icharis flying to close to the sun where politics is concerned...I need to stay away, but I am drawn back like a moth to a flame!

So do we have donkey ears or what?  I am soooo tired of my "RIGHT WING" friends blaming things on the left..Tell me, can you name any company that has created jobs since the BUSH, I mean ROVE tax breaks?  I am currently helping to shut down my 6th, YES 6th manufacturing plant in 8 years! And don't get me started on the "TEA BAGGERS" They're like spoiled brats who even when theyget what they want, it's not good enough?

I am also sooo tired of my "LEFT WING" friends blaming things on the right. How in your right mind can you insult the "LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" and the rest of us in this country by trying to restrict the border states from securing their/our borders?? Not to mention trying to give in-state tuition rates to illegals in Maryland! if you want to win a battle get your head out of your ass and stop compromising. Even if the "RIGHTIES" are wrong they at least believe they're own BS and don't back down. It's become painfully obvious that you "mushroom" eating millionaires have no idea what being an american is. Let's look at a couple of points.

  1. The debt ceiling- Not only did their partisan bickering damn near cause us to default, but it screwed our credit rating! And the icing! They want to say S&P made the wrong call! ARE YOU PEOPLE INSANE?? Our country is broke and can't pay it's bills, and you egomaniacs are in the sand box kicking sand in each others faces! Your indecisiveness was a key in the S&P decision..Unbelievable!
  2. FAA funding-Then in a continuation of #1, they refuse to fund the FAA! Stating that they have to take a stand and stop subsidising smaller airports. All well and good jello-brains, but you left safety inspectors and other key personnel without jobs! Do you really want to fly without safety inspectors and mechanics? What a childish moronic stand to take. The first flight without safety inspectors should have been filled with congress.
  3. Lower taxes helps our corporations provide jobs..ULTIMATE BS! Lets just mention what lower taxes and regulation has produced. GREED! Let's review, WORLD COM, LEHMAN BROS, ADELPHIA, MORTGAGE BANKS,BERNIE MADOFF, and I could go on and on,  including,  and most recently, the whole AIRLINE INDUSTRY!! Why? Because while our clueless, brainless congressional reps were throwing boogies at each other, and refusing to approve FAA money, they also could not collect taxes from the airlines. What did the airlines do? They raised their fares in the amount of the taxes and pocketed the profits. As soon as the money was approved fares returned to normal. HOW ABOUT THAT GREED! I again I remind, I am helping shut down my 6th manufacturing plant in 8 years, and my job may be included in this one!
Look folks, although I am as disillusioned in our government as the next guy, the only people we can blame for this mess is US. WE GET WHAT WE VOTE FOR! We have become a nation of SHEEPLE to use my friend John's analysis. This clueless lot of millionaires on both sides of the aisle need to go!!!! They have lost touch with the average american, and only serve themselves. SEND A MESSAGE! CLEAR THEM OUT!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

"MORE CHIMPS" Rant for 8-4-11

Well Good Evening Everyone! I know I haven't been "Ranting".  Did you miss me? I don't think I want to know. :)

I hope you don't think I've been ignoring you, but with work issues and life, I have been a little overwhelmed. That really is unusual for me. But enough, let's move on. I thought since I'm a little rusty, (no comments please!) I would start out with one of my favorite subjects, the inconsiderate CHIMPS that plague us all.

I think we all have the preconceived notion that the "CHIMP" is a knuckle dragging neanderthal that thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants, wherever he wants, no matter who it annoys...

 I recentlylearned however, as John Pinette would say, NAY-NAY. The "CHIMPS" have permeated every segemnt of our society like insidous "BODY SNATCHERS" taking us by surprise when we least expect it. But on with the story!

Like most men I appreciate an attractive woman, and in the summertime even more so, so when I pulled into the Dunkin Donuts to get my usual extra large decaf, (no comments, could you imagine if I consumed large quatities of caffeine?) I was pleasantly surprised by four attractive woman standing by a Mercedes. These were woman of obvious class and substance, not a hair out of place, and no Wal-Mart fashions here. I remember being impressed, but THIS LASTED LESS THAN A MINUTE!

 Why you ask? Because my fellow humanoids, these pretentious offspring of the upper crust, emptied all the trash from the Mercedes, including bottles, on to the parking lot! They then just climbed into the Mercedes and left! Obviously these female "CHIMPS" felt the rest of us were there to clean up after them. The Manager of the 5 Guys restaurant came out of his store to protest, but they had quickly drove off.

This made me angry, not only because of their disregard for the property of others, but also because they had replaced a pleasant memory of four attractive young women on a sunny summer day with a memory of  four female "CHIMPS" THROWING POOP!

The picture is after the 5 Guys Manager started cleaning up!