Take the latest example..Dunkin Donuts has a added a drink called "Frozen Hot Chocolate" when I first saw this I chuckled. How did they accomplish this oxymoron? Did they make hot chocolate and put it in the freezer? My amusement turned to astonishment when I actually saw people ordering this menu item born of SMOKE and MIRRORS (including my son, although he caught on extremely quickly).
I must admit to a certain admiration for the marketing people who come up with these shell games. Are they genuises, or are the people who buy into these ploys so gullible we just need to shake our heads? People spoiler alert! IT'S JUST CHOCOLATE MILK, and not very well mixed at that!
I put this one up there with SKY HOOKS, LEFT HANDED MONKEY WRENCHES, and one of my all time favorites, THE PET ROCK. However,the ultimate winner of the whole money for nothing scam is..(let's see how many people this tweaks) are PSL's. Yes my fellow sheep, PERSONAL SEAT LICENSES! this is the ultimate in proving Barnum's theory! In a nutshell your are actually paying for the right to buy season tickets. Talk about double dipping. Some people have said, I paid for it THAT'S MY SEAT! If you want to test that theory, try using that seat at another event besides a football game.
Don't get me wrong, if wasting your money on these things makes you happy, more power to you. I figure though if I want a better seat than my 46"HDTV, I'll just get a bigger TV. It'll cost less than PSL'S.
I'm sorry if I interrupted your workout time..Hey, you can always take one of those pills that promises weight loss with no controlling what you eat, or doing exercise.
Ole' PT would be proud!
I'm Done!